Are you using force_send_socket in opensips.cfg? If so, it is incorrectly
configured. Also check your sip client settings, it should send SIP packets
to TCP 5061 server port instead of 5060.

Thank you.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 10:15 AM, ivan smiljkovic <> wrote:

> Muhammad Shahzad,
> I tried your solution and now can establish connection between clients via
> udp. But TLS is problem.
> Here is problematic part of log:
> SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS
> ;received=89.216.yy.yy;rport=36024;branch=z9hG4bK750366181
> From: <sip:1...@89.216.xx.xx>;tag=1190324263
> To: <sip:1...@89.216.xx.xx>
> Call-ID: 22475986@
> CSeq: 401 INVITE
> Server: OpenSIPS (1.9.1-tls (x86_64/linux))
> Content-Length: 0
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:tm:_reply_light: reply sent out.
> buf=0x7f56c69f7fc8: SIP/2.0 1..., shmem=0x7f56b38faf40: SIP/2.0 1
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:tm:_reply_light: finished
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:buf_init: initializing...
> new branch at sip:1005@;transport=tcp
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:get_send_socket: force_send_socket of
> different proto (2)!
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] WARNING:core:get_send_socket: protocol/port mismatch
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=2000
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:build_req_buf_from_sip_req: id added:
> <;i=a>, rcv proto=3
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:tcp_send: no open tcp connection found,
> opening new one
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: getsockopt: snd is
> initially 16384
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: trying : 32768
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: setting snd:
> set=32768,verify=65536
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: trying : 65536
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: setting snd:
> set=65536,verify=131072
> Jun  7 09:47:25 [2564] DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: trying : 131072
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Muhammad Shahzad
CISCO Rich Media Communication Specialist (CRMCS)
CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Cell: +49 176 99 83 10 85
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