
What are you thinking about more exactly here in terms of security ?

The OpenSIPS worker processes that listen for BIN replicated packages do not perform any IP authentication by themselves, so if you leave those UDP ports open from the outside, you are leaving yourself exposed to outside attackers coming in and either deleting some of the existing dialogs ( by sending you some binary packages that destroy an ongoing dialog ) or filling up your shared memory ( by sending you 'new dialog' binary packages ).

Currently, it's left to the OpenSIPS administrator to properly configure the firewall so that the binary interface listeners ( the ones specified by bin_listen= ) are only open for the other OpenSIPS instance IPs.

Best Regards,

Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 08/01/2013 07:58 PM, Nick Khamis wrote:
What needs to be considered in terms of security?


On 7/31/13, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bog...@opensips.org> wrote:
Hi Ryan,

This has nothing to do with dialog pining or accounting - the new
interface allows OpenSIPS to replicate the dialog state to another
OpenSIPS instance. If I misunderstood you, please rephrase :)


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 07/29/2013 08:20 PM, Ryan Bullock wrote:
This is pretty exciting!

What are the plans for how this will work with features such as dialog
pinging and accounting?



On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
<bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>> wrote:

     In long term we plan to use the BIN interface to replicate even
     more internal data between multiple OpenSIPS instances, like doing
     registration replication (instead of doing it from script via
     SIP). Theoretically it may be used for replicating even
     transaction state between 2 OpenSIPS instances - imagine having a
     call ringing on instance A and being accepted on instance B (after
     a failover) - 0% losses !

     Aside realtime data replication, the BIN interface is to be used
     also for exchanging any other type of information between OpenSIPS
     instances, like federating multiple instances.

     The main advantages of the BIN interface over the MI interface :
         - BIN is binary encoded so much faster (as performance)
         - BIN interface has both sender and receiver in OpenSIPS (MI
     has only the receiver)
         - MI is for external usage, while BIN is internal


     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

     On 07/29/2013 06:22 PM, Liviu Chircu wrote:
     Hello all,

     OpenSIPS just got better with a /new core interface/ and a /new
     failover mechanism/!

     The purpose of the new *Binary Internal Interface *is to offer a
     fast and efficient communication channel between OpenSIPS
     instances. OpenSIPS modules can now use this core interface to
     send/receive packets with specific information. A common usage
     case for this feature would be data replication between a primary
     instance and a backup one.

     This is especially useful in scenarios with OpenSIPS instances
     which handle large amounts of concurrent calls, so that failover
     through a database backend is not feasible anymore due to the
     significant time required in order to load the needed tables.

     As an example of using the interface, the dialog module now
     offers the possibility of *replicating dialogs* to another
     instance. The script writer may now configure a set of proxies
     which will receive dialog-related events: /creation/,
     /confirmation/ and /deletion/, all in /realtime/. These messages
     are compact and they are sent over UDP. The dialog module now
     also exports several new statistics which show the total
     sent/received replication packets.

     Configuring UDP listeners for the new interface is trivial and
     explained in the OpenSIPS manuals [1].

     [1]: http://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Interface-Binary

     Best regards,
     Liviu Chircu
     OpenSIPS Developer

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