Enable core dumps on the machine and get a backtrace:

Ovidiu Sas

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Jeff Pyle <jp...@fidelityvoice.com> wrote:
> I think I've made some progress.  It has something to do with using
> as an interface.  This instance talked only to other OS instances
> on the same machine, so localhost seemed like a natural and portable choice.
> Unfortunately it causes some problems possibly with the check_ip_address
> function, or maybe the find_si function it calls.  More testing showed it
> would crash/stop on its own.
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11098] DBG:core:check_ip_address: params,
>, 0
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11094] DBG:core:handle_sigs: status = 11
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11094] INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 11098 exited by
> a signal 11
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11094] INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was not generated
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11094] INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11096] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11101] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11100] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11097] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11099] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11095] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
> Nov 12 15:59:52 [11094] INFO:core:cleanup: cleanup
> At debug=6 I noticed the same check_ip_address message just before it
> stopped each time.
> Anyway, using different ports on a real LAN IP solves both the crash and
> shutdown problems.
> - Jeff
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:03 PM, Jeff Pyle <jp...@fidelityvoice.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In one particular configuration on 1.10 a standard Opensips shutdown isn't
>> ending all the processes...if calls have passed through the system.  If no
>> calls have passed, everything shuts down fine.
>> At one particular moment in time with everything running I have:
>> Process::  ID=0 PID=26283 Type=attendant
>> Process::  ID=1 PID=26284 Type=MI XMLRPC
>> Process::  ID=2 PID=26285 Type=MI FIFO
>> Process::  ID=3 PID=26286 Type=RTPP timeout receiver
>> Process::  ID=4 PID=26287 Type=SIP receiver udp:
>> Process::  ID=5 PID=26288 Type=SIP receiver udp:
>> Process::  ID=6 PID=26289 Type=time_keeper
>> Process::  ID=7 PID=26290 Type=timer
>> But after /etc/init.d/opensips stop, it's always the attendant (26283) and
>> the second SIP receiver (26288) hanging around.  It requires a kill -9 to
>> get them to go away.
>> A full debug isn't showing anything obvious:
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26283] DBG:core:handle_sigs: SIGTERM received, program
>> terminates
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26289] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26288] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26290] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26287] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26286] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26285] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> Nov 11 22:51:29 [26284] INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
>> But not everything has terminated:
>> # ps ax | grep opensips
>> 26283 ?        S<     0:00 /usr/sbin/opensips -f
>> /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -P /var/run/opensips/opensips.pid -m 8 -M 1 -u
>> opensips -g opensips
>> 26288 ?        R<     0:21 /usr/sbin/opensips -f
>> /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -P /var/run/opensips/opensips.pid -m 8 -M 1 -u
>> opensips -g opensips
>> Any suggestions on where to continue investigating?
>> - Jeff
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