Hello Nick,

See route_to_carrier() in DR:

No need for the carrierroute module.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05.02.2014 14:56, Nick Cameo wrote:
Hello Vlad,

Thank your for your response. I know you are just getting this email right now, and I really appreciate your help. It seems for route_to_carrier we need to be using the carrier module however we are using DR.

From what I understand in the docs, both `route_to_gw`, and `route_to_carrier` accept a single ID. What I have is a comma separated gwlist (ie, 7,1,4) that I need fired in that specific sequence, and failing over to the next gateway id
in the list.

Another approach is to do it in my perl script however, documentation and example for that are scarce. How I think it would be done is using the `$message->rewrite_ruri` however, how do I know if the relay to a gateway failed in perl?

while (gws in list) {
     while (fail=1) {
          fail = $message->rewrite_ruri($carriergw)

Of course I would rather avoid the perl approach and just use a DR function that is capable of performing the said functionality. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been struggling with this for a while now, and it's the final piece of the pie!!!! :)

Thank in Advance,


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