Hi John,

Actually you should use the uac_replace_to() function from the uac module:

This wil do a SIP-wise change over the TO header (a dialog persistent change).


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 28.08.2014 16:50, John Komara wrote:
I am able to accomplish this through the use of the textops module though it is nowhere near as clean as what it appears the uac module would do.

From everything that I have read the “To:” field is the IP of the logical recipient. The Record-Route and Via headers are used to get the traffic to where it needs to go, correct? If I am sending a message through this path:

SwitchA -> ProxyA -> ProxyB -> SwitchB

Does the “To:” field have to contain the IP address of ProxyB? Before I was able to modify the header with substr it contained the IP address of ProxyA (my side).

Thank you,

John Komara

From: Johnathan Komara <john.kom...@mongoosemetrics.com <mailto:john.kom...@mongoosemetrics.com>> Reply-To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>>
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 6:08 PM
To: "users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>" <users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>>
Subject: [OpenSIPS-Users] Replace IP in To Field

I need to replace the IP in the To field. It is a requirement for a customer. I am trying to do this with uac_replace_to. It replaces the To field in the INVITE. However it does not replace it ACK to the 200OK. Looking at the logs I see that a dialog is created for the INVITE. Immediately after the INVITE is sent the dialog is destroyed. I am assuming that this is why the To field is not being modified in the ACK.

It looks as though the dialog is never stored. I have tried to do this in memory and in mysql. I am never able to retrieve a dialog with the “opensipsctl fifo dlg_list” command. I have attached links to my debug logs and config.

Is there a better way to accomplish this than what I am trying to do?

Debug Logs: http://pastebin.com/mvKx5AQp
Config: http://pastebin.com/n9vwncpU

Thank you,


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