Hi all,

For the next OpenSIPS release we discussed about building a Quality-based routing module.

Using this new module we aim to gather statistics about gateways (PDD, ASR, ACD, CCR, probably RTP stats) and use this information to reorder the gateways. These statistics are dynamically learned by OpenSIPS and constantly evaluates them in order to do real-time routing to the best performing/quality destinations. The users will be able to set thresholds (PDD, ASR, ACD, etc.) for each destination. These limits will be used by the Dynamic Routing[2] module when computing the order the gateways should be used.
Each statistic (like PDD, ASR, etc) has two thresholds :
- one from normal to warning - this means the quality degrades (when switching to warning, an event will be generated) - one from warning to disable - the quality is really bad, the destination is not to be used anymore.

Following the discussion from the IRC meeting[1], Brett suggested that this module should be split in two parts:
a) the logic that gathers statistics about gateways
b) a different logic that uses these statistics to take decisions about how to use the gateways (if they should be used, what is the best order to be used, etc.)

What do you think it's the best approach? How would you use this module? You are all welcome to come with any new ideas regarding this topic!

[1] http://www.opensips.org/Community/IRCmeeting20140827
[2] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.12.x/drouting

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Solutions

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