
thank you for your feedback Bogdan-Andrei!

This is what I get in /var/log/apache2/error.log when trying to access
the web-interface:

[Mon Jan 12 10:26:08 2015] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] PHP Warning:
Creating default object from empty value in
/var/www/opensips-cp/config/db.inc.php on line 25, referer:
[Mon Jan 12 10:26:08 2015] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] PHP Fatal error:
 Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::setFetchMode() in
/var/www/opensips-cp/web/db_connect.php on line 31, referer:

In lin 25 of db.in.php you will find the declaration of the
database-driver = "mysql" - the following error-message (undefined
method) seems to depend on this, too.

So may it be possible that the missing pear/MDB2#mysql driver is the

I managed to install this driver via pear (not the usual way: "pear
install pear/MDB2#mysql", but that way: "pear install
MDB2_Driver_mysql"), although originally I thougt that it was already
served by php-mdb2-driver-mysql.

No way, there is only showing up the blank page. The password of the
db.inc.php is without relevance (changing it, will not alter the
appearance of the blank page, only when putting the mysql-root-password,
then I get an message that login was wrong.

Somebody can tell me how to get the correct pear/MDB2#mysql?

Thanks a lot,

PD: Strange behaviour... and it is not very helpfull that in the
db.inc.php the "database user" must be "root" (and not "opensips") -
then it should be called correctly the "database root user" as in
opensipsctrl too!

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