nevermind, i found issue it was double quote string so use
to get rid on it*

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Satish Patel <> wrote:

> mysql> select * from userblacklist;
> +----+--------------+--------+--------+-----------+
> | id | username     | domain | prefix | whitelist |
> +----+--------------+--------+--------+-----------+
> |  1 | 10000001   |        |        |         0 |
> |  2 | 9198362323 |        |        |         0 |
> +----+--------------+--------+--------+-----------+
> If i set $avp(user) = 10000001;   then it works!
> but if i set  $avp(user) = 9198362323;   doesn't work what is the problem
> ?
> route[user_blacklist] {
>         $avp(user) = 9198362323;
>         if (!check_user_blacklist("$avp(user)", "$avp(i:82)")) {
>                 sl_send_reply("403", "User Blocked");
>                 exit;
>         };
> }
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