
You can fetch a shell variable in OpenSIPS by using the $env pvar in the cfgutils module ( see http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/2.1.x/cfgutils#id294802 )

After that, routing to the actual nodes can be done by using the module of your choice ( dispatcher, stateless in terms of dialog counting, or load_balancer which takes into consideration the number of calls in each node )

Best Regards,

Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 01.05.2015 00:38, Kaan Dandin wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to consult to you if it is possible to make SIP routing( for my case to different IMS nodes) according to a shell variable . For example is the variable is 1 make the routing to IMS node1 , if 2 make the routing to IMS node2 ....

What is the correct way to implement this scenario? Which module need to be used? Dispatcher module? Load Balancer Module or Dynamic Routing Module?

Thanks for your kind support


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