
As per RFC, in stateless mode there is no branch (for the newly added VIA) - as branch is transaction oriented. And the RFC3261 recommends to reuse the previous VIA hdr (if exists).


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 07.05.2015 20:01, Gupta, Rahul wrote:

Hi Bogdan,

I want to use opensips as stateless proxy that’s why I tried forward() which is causing the branch issue as shown below, the branch in both the Via headers are same.


From: "Alan Altman[3004]"<sip:YYYY@IP:PORT>;tag=389cc678-0-13c4-65014-16288-3d1c9b70-16288

To: <sip:XXXX@IP:PORT>

Call-ID: 10589b68-0-13c4-65014-16288-156334b2-16288


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP IP:PORT;branch=z9hG4bK-16288-568e507-60d8e02-38903830

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP IP:PORT;branch=z9hG4bK-16288-568e507-60d8e02-38903830

Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="User Release"

Max-Forwards: 69

Supported: timer,replaces,from-change,histinfo,answermode,eventlist,recipient-list-subscribe

User-Agent: test user agent

Content-Length: 0

X-testHeader: RAHUL

If we use t_relay(), I want to forward X-testHeader to the endpoint.

*From:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bog...@opensips.org]
*Sent:* Thursday, May 07, 2015 12:39 PM
*To:* OpenSIPS users mailling list; Gupta, Rahul
*Subject:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] CANCEL in t_relay() not forwarding user defined Headers

Hi Rahul,

As per RFC3261, the stateful CANCELs are hop-by-hop - which means each hop consumes the incoming CANCEL and generates a new one for the next hop.
This is why the headers do not propagate.

What kind of headers are looking to be passed further ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 06.05.2015 20:45, Gupta, Rahul wrote:

    I am using opensips as a proxy, when a CANCEL to an INVITE comes
    in, its processed as follows

            # CANCEL processing
            if (is_method("CANCEL"))
                    if (t_check_trans())

    in t_relay() seems like its creating new transaction for CANCEL
    and forwarding to the destination. However its not copying
    user-defined Headers which comes as a part of CANCEL. Is there a
    way to forward the other Headers ?

    I also tried using forward(). In this case, all the headers are
    getting forwarded, however, the branch in Via header is getting
    duplicated from the incoming VIA header which is causing issues
    with the endpoint.

    Question 1) If I use t_realy() for CANCEL, then how do I forward
    user defined Headers ?
    Question 2) If I use forward() for CANCEL, then how do I get the
    Via Header with proper branch as created in INVITE ?


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