
Currently, only STRING and INTEGER data types are supported - no NULL support in the cachedb raw interface.

Please open a GITHUB issue for this and will fix it as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 28.05.2015 16:21, Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
I'm using cache_raw queries to get data from redis and I have a problem with accessing nil values that gets returned from it.
For eg I do the following:
cache_raw_query("redis:myRedis HMGET one two three", "$avp(result)");

Here the value of one is abc, two is not present in redis and three is xyz. Now if I access the values, I ideally expect it to be the following: $(avp(result)[0]) = xyz, $(avp(result)[1]) = <null> and $(avp(result)[2]) = abc. But since key two is not present in redis for whatever reasons, the result I get back is:
$(avp(result)[0]) = xyz
$(avp(result)[1]) = abc
$(avp(result)[2]) = <null>

This actually makes my value matching go for a toss. Is there a better solution to access the array that is returned back from redis or at least store the value as NULL in that array element of avp. Any help is greatly appreciated.


- Jayesh

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