Hi Fabrizio,

First of all, be sure your script execution gets to the do_routing() part. Use the script_trace() function to trace the execution of your script:

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 01.06.2015 18:29, Fabrizio Pappolla, Brainy Forge S.r.l. wrote:
I'm using opensips-1.10.
I have successful configured the uac_registrant module to my VoIP carrier, so my OpenSIPS is registered; I've also correctly configured some user: 1000 and 1001. I can register to OpenSIPS with this extension and they can call each other. If I try to call external number I get "SIP 404 - NOT FOUND" error.

How can I make external call? I've tried to configure drouting module, without any success.

/opensipsctl dr show/
*dr gateways*
| id | gwid | type | address | strip | pri_prefix | attrs | probe_mode | description |
| 2 | 1 | 0 | voip.eutelia.it | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | eutelia |
*dr groups*
| id | username | domain          | groupid | description |
|  1 | 1000     | voip.eutelia.it |       1 |             |
*dr carriers*
| id | carrierid | gwlist | flags | attrs | description |
|  1 | 1         | 1      |     0 |       | EUTELIA     |
*dr rules*
| ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist | attrs | description |
| 1 | 1 | | | 0 | 1 | 1,#1 | | |

/opensipsctl dr gw_status/
ID:: 1 IP=voip.eutelia.it *Enabled=no*

If i try to enable it, it goes down after few sec

/opensipsctl dr carrier_status/
ID:: 1 Enabled=yes

Is the dynamic routing way correct? I need to forward all sip traffic from a user (that register to OpenSIPS) to its associated trunk ( by uac_registrant module ) and opposite.

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