Hi Anyone have any ideas on the below issue?

On 23/07/2015 17:12, Trevor Steyn wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I seem to be having some trouble with the new topology_hiding module in
> opensips 2.1
> here is the call scenario
> UAC --> Opensips --> UAS
> UAC Sends Invite to UAS with topology hiding module
> UAS sends 180 with to-tag
> UAC sends BYE
> When the Bye is sent opensips loops the call till max forwards is reached
> from what i can see from the debugs the  Bye from UAC is accepted and
> matches the topology_hiding_match function but does not rewrite the
> destination IP so when the message passes t_relay() its sending the Bye
> to Itself from Itself.
> I have tried this without topology hiding and the BYE is relayed as it
> should
> .
> My route looks as follows
> route{
>     script_trace( 3, "$rm from $si, ruri=$ru", "me");
>     if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
>         sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
>         exit;
>     }
>     if ( check_source_address("1","$avp(trunk_attrs)") ) {
>         # request comes from trunks
>         setflag(IS_TRUNK);
>     } else if ( is_from_gw() ) {
>         # request comes from GWs
>     } else {
> #        send_reply("403","Forbidden");
>     xlog("Message is not from Trunk or GW $si");
> #        exit;
>     }
>     if (has_totag()) {
>         # sequential request withing a dialog should
>         # take the path determined by record-routing
>         #if (loose_route()) {
>         if(topology_hiding_match()) {
>             # validate the sequential request against dialog
>             if ( $DLG_status!=NULL && !validate_dialog() ) {
>                 xlog("In-Dialog $rm from $si (callid=$ci) is not valid
> according to dialog\n");
>                 ## exit;
>             }
>             if (is_method("BYE")) {
>                 setflag(ACC_DO); # do accounting ...
>                 setflag(ACC_FAILED); # ... even if the transaction fails
>             } else if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>                 # even if in most of the cases is useless, do RR for
>                 # re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy clients do change route set
>                 # during the dialog.
>                 record_route();
>             }
>             # lets handle re-invites and offer proxy
>             if (has_body("application/sdp"))  {
>                 # Begin rtp session update gyrations
>                 if (method == "INVITE") {
>                     # INVITE w/ SDP, so early neg
>                     # This is offer, reply is answer
>                     rtpproxy_offer("iewlz20");
>                     t_on_reply("1");
>                 } else if (method == "ACK") {
>                     # ACK w/ SDP, so late neg (done now)
>                     # This is answer
>                     rtpproxy_answer("iewlz20");
>                 }
>         }
>             # route it out to whatever destination was set by loose_route()
>             # in $du (destination URI).
>             route(RELAY);
>         } else {
>             if ( is_method("ACK") ) {
>                 if ( t_check_trans() ) {
>                     # non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK
> after
>                     # a 487 or e.g. 404 from upstream server
>                     t_relay();
>                     exit;
>                 } else {
>                     # ACK without matching transaction ->
>                     # ignore and discard
>                     exit;
>                 }
>             }
>             sl_send_reply("404","Not here");
>         }
>         exit;
>     }
>     if ( !isflagset(IS_TRUNK) ) {
>         ## accept new calls only from trunks
>         send_reply("403","Not from trunk");
>         exit;
>     }
>     # CANCEL processing
>     if (is_method("CANCEL")) {
>         if (t_check_trans())
>             t_relay();
>         exit;
>     } else if (!is_method("INVITE")) {
>         send_reply("405","Method Not Allowed");
>         exit;
>     }
>     if ($rU==NULL) {
>         # request with no Username in RURI
>         sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete");
>         exit;
>     }
>     t_check_trans();
>     # preloaded route checking
>     if (loose_route()) {
>         xlog("L_ERR",
>         "Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$fu/$tu/$ru/$ci]");
>         if (!is_method("ACK"))
>             sl_send_reply("403","Preload Route denied");
>         exit;
>     }
>     # record routing
>     record_route();
>     setflag(ACC_DO); # do accounting
>     # create dialog with timeout
>     if ( !create_dialog("B") ) {
>         send_reply("500","Internal Server Error");
>         exit;
>     }
>     if (is_avp_set("$avp(trunk_attrs)") && $avp(trunk_attrs)=~"^[0-9]+$") {
>         get_profile_size("trunkCalls","$si","$var(size)");
>         if ( $(var(size){s.int}) >= $(avp(trunk_attrs){s.int}) ) {
>             send_reply("486","Busy Here");
>             exit;
>         }
>     }
>     set_dlg_profile("trunkCalls","$si");
>     # apply transformations from dialplan table
>     dp_translate("0","$rU/$rU");
>     # route calls based on prefix
>     if ( !do_routing("1") ) {
>         send_reply("404","No Route found");
>         exit;
>     }
>     t_on_failure("GW_FAILOVER");
>     if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>         force_send_socket(udp:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5060);
>         #rtpproxy_engage('ierz20');
>         topology_hiding();
>     }
>     if (has_body("application/sdp")) {
>         if (rtpproxy_offer('iewz20')) {
>             t_on_reply("1");
>         } else {
>             t_on_reply("2");
>         }
>     }
>     route(RELAY);
> }
> route[RELAY] {
>     if (!t_relay()) {
>         sl_reply_error();
>     };
>     exit;
> }
> failure_route[GW_FAILOVER] {
>     if (t_was_cancelled()) {
>         exit;
>     }
>     # detect failure and redirect to next available GW
>     if (t_check_status("(408)|([56][0-9][0-9])")) {
>         xlog("Failed GW $rd detected \n");
>         if ( use_next_gw() ) {
>             t_on_failure("GW_FAILOVER");
>             t_relay();
>             exit;
>         }
>         send_reply("500","All GW are down");
>     }
> }
> local_route {
>     if (is_method("BYE") && $DLG_dir=="UPSTREAM") {
>         acc_db_request("200 Dialog Timeout", "acc");
>     }
> }
> onreply_route[1]
> {
>     if (has_body("application/sdp"))
>         if ($DLG_status) {      # Update
>                 rtpproxy_answer('eilz20');
>         } else {
>                 rtpproxy_answer('eiz20');
>         }
> }
> onreply_route[2]
> {
>     if (has_body("application/sdp"))
>         rtpproxy_offer('iewz20');
> }
> Debug below
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:171][me][module
> mf_process_maxfwd_header] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to_param: tag=6pou4pvn6xe2phuk.i
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: end of header reached, state=29
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: display={},
> ruri={sip:27111000626@;user=phone}
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [70];
> uri=[sip:27111000626@;user=phone]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body
> [<sip:27111000626@;user=phone>]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <2> <BYE>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present: value = 67
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:185][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][module
> check_source_address] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:check_src_addr_3: Looking for :
> <1,, 5060, 1> in tables
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:hash_match: no pattern to match
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:hash_match: match found in the
> hash table
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:178][me][core setflag] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:248][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:187][me][module has_totag] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:uri:has_totag: totag found
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:242][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:191][me][module
> topology_hiding_match] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=200
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us:
> 13==13 &&  [] == []
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060
> matches port 5060
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:w_match_dialog: We found DID param in
> R-URI with value of dbf.d239f4f3
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is
> 'dbf.d239f4f3' (len=12)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> with 1 -> 4
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: dialog id=1062179629
> found on entry 4029
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=58
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to_param:
> tag=SDl3i7c02-55B0F3A1-1DDB4E1-0ADE2C1B
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: end of header reached, state=29
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: display={},
> ruri={sip:27115138000@;user=phone}
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> changed from state 2 to state 2, due event 7
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:199][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:194][me][module
> validate_dialog] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:dlg_validate_dialog: CSEQ validation
> passed
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:210][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:199][me][module is_method] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:200][me][core setflag] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:201][me][core setflag] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:227][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:210][me][module has_body] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:sipmsgops:has_body_f: content length is zero
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:227][me][route RELAY] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:340][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:338][me][module t_relay] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on
> entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching:
> hash=40946, isACK=0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction
> matching failed
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks:
> trans=0x7f81e1b41548, callback type 1, id 1 entered
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks:
> trans=0x7f81e1b41548, callback type 1, id 0 entered
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:ref_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8 with
> 1 -> 5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:check_ip_address: params,
>, 0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 500000
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [4]: 0x7f81e1b41768
> (15800000)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [0]: 0x7f81e1b41798 (20)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_relay_to: new transaction fwd'ed
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:341][me][core exit] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_unref: UNREF_UNSAFE: [0x7f81e1b41548]
> after is 0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> with 1 -> 4 in entry 0x7f81e1b35838
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <BYE>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:    
> <sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=2
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232,
> <branch> = <z9hG4bK2ff9.7dfac551.0>; state=16
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=2
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: After parse_msg...
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: preparing to run routing
> scripts...
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:171][me][module
> mf_process_maxfwd_header] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232,
> <branch> = <z9hG4bK53eneb00a89gqfc5m0o0.1>; state=16
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: parse_headers: this is
> the second via
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to_param: tag=6pou4pvn6xe2phuk.i
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: end of header reached, state=29
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: display={},
> ruri={sip:27111000626@;user=phone}
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [70];
> uri=[sip:27111000626@;user=phone]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body
> [<sip:27111000626@;user=phone>]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <2> <BYE>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present: value = 66
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:185][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][module
> check_source_address] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:check_src_addr_3: Looking for :
> <1,, 5060, 1> in tables
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:hash_match: no match in the hash
> table
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:match_subnet_table: subnet table
> is empty
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:185][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:179][me][module is_from_gw] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:183][me][core xlog] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:buf_init: initializing...
> Message is not from Trunk or GW[Script
> Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:248][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:187][me][module has_totag] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:uri:has_totag: totag found
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:242][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:191][me][module
> topology_hiding_match] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=200
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us:
> 13==13 &&  [] == []
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060
> matches port 5060
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:w_match_dialog: We found DID param in
> R-URI with value of dbf.d239f4f3
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is
> 'dbf.d239f4f3' (len=12)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> with 1 -> 5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: dialog id=1062179629
> found on entry 4029
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=58
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to_param:
> tag=SDl3i7c02-55B0F3A1-1DDB4E1-0ADE2C1B
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: end of header reached, state=29
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: display={},
> ruri={sip:27115138000@;user=phone}
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> changed from state 2 to state 2, due event 7
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:199][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Trevor
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:194][me][module
> validate_dialog] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:dlg_validate_dialog: CSEQ validation
> passed
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:210][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:199][me][module is_method] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:200][me][core setflag] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:201][me][core setflag] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:227][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:210][me][module has_body] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:sipmsgops:has_body_f: content length is zero
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:227][me][route RELAY] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:340][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:338][me][module t_relay] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on
> entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching:
> hash=40946, isACK=0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction
> matching failed
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks:
> trans=0x7f81e1b446a0, callback type 1, id 1 entered
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks:
> trans=0x7f81e1b446a0, callback type 1, id 0 entered
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:ref_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8 with
> 1 -> 6
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:check_ip_address: params,
>, 0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 500000
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [4]: 0x7f81e1b448c0
> (15800000)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [0]: 0x7f81e1b448f0 (20)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_relay_to: new transaction fwd'ed
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:341][me][core exit] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:tm:t_unref: UNREF_UNSAFE: [0x7f81e1b446a0]
> after is 0
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f81e1b3c2f8
> with 1 -> 5 in entry 0x7f81e1b35838
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <BYE>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:    
> <sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=2
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232,
> <branch> = <z9hG4bK2ff9.8dfac551.0>; state=16
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=2
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: After parse_msg...
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:receive_msg: preparing to run routing
> scripts...
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:171][me][module
> mf_process_maxfwd_header] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232,
> <branch> = <z9hG4bK2ff9.7dfac551.0>; state=16
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: parse_headers: this is
> the second via
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232,
> <branch> = <z9hG4bK53eneb00a89gqfc5m0o0.1>; state=16
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=100
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to_param: tag=6pou4pvn6xe2phuk.i
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: end of header reached, state=29
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:parse_to: display={},
> ruri={sip:27111000626@;user=phone}
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [70];
> uri=[sip:27111000626@;user=phone]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body
> [<sip:27111000626@;user=phone>]
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <2> <BYE>
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present: value = 65
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:185][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:176][me][module
> check_source_address] -> (BYE from,
> ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:check_src_addr_3: Looking for :
> <1,, 5060, 1> in tables
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:hash_match: no match in the hash
> table
> Jul 23 16:01:16 [22780] DBG:permissions:match_subnet_table: subnet table
> is empty
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:185][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:179][me][module is_from_gw] ->
> (BYE from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> [Script Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:183][me][core xlog] -> (BYE
> from, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Message is not from Trunk or GW[Script
> Trace][/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg:248][me][core if] -> (BYE from
>, ruri=sip:;did=dbf.d239f4f3)
> Regards
> Trevor Steyn

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