Ho Bogdan,

Thanks for this just want to make sure i am doing this the right way

So im my thinking i have the following tables in dialplan

*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 6
       dpid: 1
         pr: 1
   match_op: 0
match_flags: 0
   disabled: 0
      attrs: route=2,forced_socket=
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         id: 4
       dpid: 1
         pr: 1
   match_op: 0
match_flags: 0
   repl_exp: \2
   disabled: 0
      attrs: route=1,forced_socket=

In my script I will have something like this

if (dp_translate("1",/$si+"_"+$Ri,$avp(foo)) {
    Do some routing

Is this the way you envisioned doing this, Also what is the correct way
to to get seperate AVP's for the attributes column i have not been able
to find the answer to this i currently manually get the attributes avp

Lets say my attributes column has the following

I currently get the route by using avp_subst like so

then i use ///$avp(string_custom_route)/ to route the call, I feel like
this is not good practice if you could guide me here i would appreciate it
as i have tried finding examples with no avail.

Trevor Steyn
On 05/08/2015 09:50, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> Hi Trevor,
> Why not using the dialplan module which allows you do operate with
> custom data, it does regexp search and caching too.
> Regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
> http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 04.08.2015 21:32, Trevor Steyn wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I would like to be able to route calls based on Source IP and
>> Destination IP (always one of opensips IPs), As usual there are many
>> ways to skin a cat,
>> My first thought was to have a table such as the address table but
>> modify the IP field to a concatenation of $si and $RI
>> so you would have a table like this
>> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>>           id: 6
>>          grp: 1
>>           ip:
>>         mask: 32
>>         port: 0
>>        proto: udp
>>      pattern:
>> context_info: Route=2;Forced_Socket=
>> So in the route script i would do something like this
>> /check_cource_address("1",$si+"_"+$Ri) /
>> Obviously i cannot just do this with the permissions module as it
>> wont accept this in the IP field as it expects a valid IP,
>> So before i go down that road i was wondering if anyone knows an out
>> of the box way i can do this without impacting performance, I could
>> easily use avp_ops for this but as far as i can see  it does a db
>> query for every transaction, this is not something that needs to be
>> called for every new sip transaction it should be loaded into memory
>> at startup.
>> Your thoughts would be appreciated I would just like to be pointed in
>> the right (Best possible way to do this) direction.
>> Regards
>> Trevor Steyn
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