Hi Pete,

To the best of my knowledge no rtp proxy: mediarelay, rtpengine, rtpproxy deals with forking and early media "well". I believe this is more a failing of the 183 draft than anything else. For example If I parallel fork a call to A and B, A sends 183 with an IVR but then B sends a 200 it is not clear what should be done - send a CANCEL to A and terminate any IVR?

RTPEngine does have ... sort of a work around in that it will allow you to specify whether or not to automatically "train" to a rtp source - this allows you to set up a call with early media to A, but then if B starts sending RTP to the same allotted ports RTPEngine will simply switch to those ports. This has several security implications - Freeswitch has a similar feature which allows the rtp source to change within a given allotted "buffer".

To answer your question directly - no, I do not know of a way to do parallel forking with rtpproxy where one leg may send early media. We have experienced this as well when our customers put multiple pstn phone numbers in a ring group and have advised them that it will not work should one of those numbers provide early media.

Hope all is well,

On 09/23/2015 02:44 AM, Pete Kelly wrote:
I am using rtpproxy with parallel fork and noticed some interesting behaviour (by rtpproxy).

If the INVITE is forked to 2 destinations (A and B), one of them (A) may send a 183 with media, meaning there is media being sent to the rtpproxy.

However if it is B that answers, rtpproxy will still only be set up to send and receive media to A, and will continue to do so which means there is no media on the call.

Reading the rtpproxy docs I think it is because of this:

"After the session has been created, the proxy listens on the port it has allocated for that session and waits for receiving at least one UDP packet from each of two parties participating in the call. Once such packet is received, the proxy fills one of two ip:port structures associated with each call with source ip:port of that packet"

Is there a known way round this issue, other than stopping A from sending media to rtpproxy or using late offer INVITEs?

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