I’ve been trying to setup WSS using 2.2 latest branch.

When trying to open the web socket i get “ Client did not present a TLS
certificate” . Im using the included default ssl certs for the server to
avoid mistakes . What certificate is the user supposed to present?

I tried using sip.js and jssip to connect without any luck. i also tried
disabling cert requirement but didn’t work.

—— Config ——-


load module "proto_udp.so"
load module “proto_tls.so”
loadmodule "proto_wss.so"

loadmodule "tls_mgm.so"
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/cacert.pem")

modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key",
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/cacert.pem")

modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "0")
modparam(“tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "0")

——- Logs ——-
/sbin/opensips[12468]: INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of
416 kb
/sbin/opensips[12468]: INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: TCP keepalive enabled
on socket 37
/sbin/opensips[12460]: INFO:proto_wss:ls_accept: New TLS connection from
xx.xx.xx.xx:50815 accepted
/sbin/opensips[12460]: INFO:proto_wss:tls_accept: Client did not present a
TLS certificate
/sbin/opensips[12460]: INFO:proto_wss:ls_dump_cert_info: tls_accept: local
TLS server certificate subject: /CN=OpenSIPS/ST=
opensips.org/C=IP/emailAddress=t...@opensips.org/O=opensips.org, issuer:

Thanks !
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