Hi Søren,

Thanks to all your support and info I found the problem. The fix is now available on GIT repo on all maintained versions.

Please update and confirm.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 19.01.2016 12:38, Søren Andersen wrote:

Hi Bogdan-Andrei,

Hmm.. Actually it look likes “route_se” is missing in the LEGS:: after a restart?

# Before restart #

dlg:: 227897 param=774.0 state=5 last_invite_cseq=29551 last_method=4 last_reply_code=200 db_flag=2

callid:: B2B.348.227897

from:: uri=sip:xxx...@xx.xx.xx.36;user=phone tag=e33f629b154d16f5f57a07bf5d17124e-7644

to::  uri=sip:xxx...@xx.xx.xx.120 tag=2075842316

cseq::  caller=29551 callee=1

route_set:: caller=<sip:XX.xx.XX.120;lr;ftag=e33f629b154d16f5f57a07bf5d17124e-7644;did=834.31f18683>

contact:: caller=sip:xx.xx.xx.117:5060 callee=sip:xxxxxx04@;transport=udp

send_sock:: xx.xx.xx.117


leg:: 0 tag=2075842316 cseq=29551 contact=sip:xxxxxx04@;transport=udp route_se=<sip:xx.xx.xx.120;lr;ftag=e33f629b154d16f5f57a07bf5d17124e-7644;did=834.31f18683>

# After restart #

dlg:: 227897 param=774.0 state=5 last_invite_cseq=29551 last_method=0 db_flag=0

callid:: B2B.348.227897

from:: uri=sip:xxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.36;user=phone tag=e33f629b154d16f5f57a07bf5d17124e-7644

to::  uri=sip:xxxxx...@xx.xx.xxx.120 tag=2075842316

cseq::  caller=29551 callee=1

route_set:: caller=<sip:xx.xx.xx.120;lr;ftag=e33f629b154d16f5f57a07bf5d17124e-7644;did=834.31f18683>

contact:: caller=sip:xx.xx.xx.117:5060 callee=sip:xxxxxx04@;transport=udp

send_sock:: xx.xx.xx.117


leg:: 0 tag=2075842316 cseq=29551 contact=sip:xxxxxx04@;transport=udp


*Fra:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bog...@opensips.org]
*Sendt:* 19. januar 2016 11:13
*Til:* Søren Andersen <s...@stofa.dk>; users@lists.opensips.org
*Emne:* Re: SV: SV: SV: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2B BYEs

Hi Søren,

It seems that the callee route set is stored in db (see the b2b_entities table, the route1 field ="<sip:XX.XX.XX.120;lr;ftag=a9ff31f61f2601c916f6044c2e20e16a-3c47;did=895.92039fc>")

Can you run the b2be_list MI command before and after the restart, to see if indeed, the callee route set is not properly restored ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 15.01.2016 12:21, Søren Andersen wrote:


    SELECT * FROM b2b.b2b_logic;

    # id, si_key, scenario, sstate, next_sstate, sparam0, sparam1,
    sparam2, sparam3, sparam4, sdp, lifetime, e1_type, e1_sid,
    e1_from, e1_to, e1_key, e2_type, e2_sid, e2_from, e2_to, e2_key,
    e3_type, e3_sid, e3_from, e3_to, e3_key

    '226', '360.0', 'StofaB2B', '1', '1', 'sip:xxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120
    <mailto:sip:xxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120>', '', '', '', '', '',
    '1452896043', '0', 'server1',
    <mailto:sip:xxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.117:5060>', 'B2B.39.160', '1',
    'client1', 'sip:xxxxx...@oxx3-sx.xx.xxx.xxx;user=phone
    'sip:xxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120 <mailto:sip:xxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120>',
    'B2B.448.7695796', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL

    SELECT * FROM b2b.b2b_entities;

    # id, type, state, ruri, from_uri, to_uri, from_dname, to_dname,
    tag0, tag1, callid, cseq0, cseq1, contact0, contact1, route0,
    route1, sockinfo_srv, param, lm, lrc, lic, leg_cseq, leg_route,
    leg_tag, leg_contact, leg_sockinfo

    '316', '0', '5', 'sip:xxxx...@xx.xx.xx.117:5060;user=phone
    <mailto:sip:XXXXX04@;user=phone>', '', '',
    'mvgh6xvkp7z', 'B2B.39.160',
    <mailto:1q2rqu6-3232128...@osdx-ssw.xx.xxx.xx>', '32736', '1',
    'sip:XX.XX.XX.117:5060', '<sip:XX.XX.XXX.117;lr>', '',
    'udp:XX.XX.XX.117:5060', '360.0', '0', '200', '32736', NULL, NULL,

    '317', '1', '5', '', 'sip:xxxxx...@osdx-ssw.xx.xxxx.xx;user=phone
    'sip:xxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120 <mailto:sip:xxxxx...@xx.xx.xx.120>',
    '', '', 'a9ff31f61f2601c916f6044c2e20e16a-3c47', '2761431845',
    'B2B.448.7695796', '32737', '1', 'sip:XX.XXX.XXX.117:5060',
    '', 'udp:XX.XX.XX.117:5060', '360.0', '4', '0', '32737', '32737',
    '2761431845', 'sip:XXXXXX04@;transport=udp
    <mailto:sip:XXXXXX04@;transport=udp>', NULL


    *Fra:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bog...@opensips.org]
    *Sendt:* 15. januar 2016 11:07
    *Til:* Søren Andersen <s...@stofa.dk> <mailto:s...@stofa.dk>;
    users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>
    *Emne:* Re: SV: SV: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2B BYEs

    Hi Søren,

    In the scenario with the restart, after the restart, the
    sequential requests generated by b2b is missing the Route header -
    and it is bypassing the proxy - can you ppst the DB records for
    b2b you have during the restart?


    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

    OpenSIPS Founder and Developer


    On 15.01.2016 10:57, Søren Andersen wrote:

        Hi Bogdan-Andrei,

        Sure. I’ve attached the two files.

         (B2B server)

         (OpenSIPS Proxy)

         (SIP Client)

        My scenario:

        <?xml version="1.0"?>

        <scenario id="StofaB2B" name="MS start and end" param="2"










                            <value type="param">1</value>







        I’m doing this because my SIP provider can’t handle multi
        dialogs, so if I first send a call to the sip client and if
        the call is unanswered I can’t redirect the call to voicemail
        since this will generate a new to_tag. And this can’t my SIP
        provider not handle. So therefore I need some B2B logic to
        make this happen for me.


        *Fra:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bog...@opensips.org]
        *Sendt:* 14. januar 2016 16:41
        *Til:* Søren Andersen <s...@stofa.dk> <mailto:s...@stofa.dk>;
        OpenSIPS users mailling list <users@lists.opensips.org>
        *Emne:* Re: SV: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2B BYEs

        Hi Søren,

        Do you have an ngrep capture (taken from opensips b2b,
        covering all calls/legs involved in the scenario) showing the
        call with the B2B restarted ?


        Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

        OpenSIPS Founder and Developer


        On 13.01.2016 14:39, Søren Andersen wrote:

            Hi Bogdan-Andrei,

            Only if I reload the B2B the BYEs is sent directly to the
            client. – But the funny thing is this only happens if the
            client is receives a call.  If the client initialize the
            call everything works fine.


            *Fra:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bog...@opensips.org]
            *Sendt:* 13. januar 2016 11:39
            *Til:* OpenSIPS users mailling list
            <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>; Søren Andersen
            <s...@stofa.dk> <mailto:s...@stofa.dk>
            *Emne:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2B BYEs

            Hi Søren,

            With or without restarting the B2B isn;t the BYE sent by
            client to the B2B instance ?


            Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

            OpenSIPS Founder and Developer


            On 12.01.2016 16:32, Søren Andersen wrote:

                Hello there,

                I’ve some strange issues with the B2B module. – I use
                MySQL as backend, and if I reload OpenSIPS the BYE is
                sent directly to the client, and not my SIP proxy. My
                B2B and OpenSIPS is two difference servers.

                If I take a look in b2b_entities table I notice the
                contact1 field contains the IP address of the client.
                 But if I don’t reload the OpenSIPS the BYE will be
                sent correctly the my proxy, and then to the client.

                Now, my question is how can I make sure that B2B
                server will not try to communicate with the clients
                after a reload?

                My topology:

                ISP -> B2B -> Proxy -> Client

                My config:

                loadmodule "b2b_entities.so"

                loadmodule "b2b_logic.so"

                modparam("b2b_logic", "script_scenario",

                modparam("b2b_entities", "db_url",

                modparam("b2b_entities", "db_mode", 1)

                modparam("b2b_logic", "db_mode", 1)

                modparam("b2b_logic", "db_url",

                modparam("b2b_entities", "replication_mode", 1)

                modparam("b2b_logic", "init_callid_hdr", "Init-CallID")

                if (is_method("INVITE") && !has_totag()) {






                Users mailing list

                Users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:Users@lists.opensips.org>


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