Hi Stas,

While looking around for this xpidf I found this:

So, what is the story with this xpdif ? is it still in use ? was it replaced by pidf+xml ? as I see it died as draft.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 13.01.2016 18:47, Stas Kobzar wrote:
Hi Bogdan,

I do not think the DOCTYPE is the problem here. What I see is that when I use MI to publish this application/xpidf doc, OpenSIPS does not want to parse the document, and if I understand correct, this is because this type of document does not have <tuple> XML branch.

You are right, about end-to-end, and if I configure OpenSIPS just to relay SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY, it should work fine. But I want use OpenSIPS to be in the middle because I have a logic in my application when it is me who change the status (for example with web-interface)

So basically my question is, is it going to be supported by OpenSIPS (application/xpidf)? Or as you mentioned, it is basically the work for UA and it is not supposed to be in OpenSIPS?

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>> wrote:

    Hi Stas,

    You say you see the DOCTYPE line in NOTIFY packets and this is
    supported by OpenSIPS ?

    Now, on Polycom extension - if it is something end-2-end, it means
    it does not require a presence server and everything should be
    between end points by using SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY (no PUBLISH, as
    this is specific to the presence agent/server model). Am I wrong
    with this ?

    Best regards,

    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
    OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

    On 12.01.2016 17:10, Stas Kobzar wrote:
    Hello Bogdan,

    Thank you for your response.
    The DOCTYPE within XML is seems to be Microsoft presence format:

    I am not sure if it can be used with PUBLISH though. For now I
    saw it only in NOTIFY packets.

    Polycom UA is using this type of presence for end-to-end presence
    between phones.
    I would like to publish this with MI to change presence status on
    Polycom phones.

    Thank you,

    On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 4:59 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
    <bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>> wrote:

        Hi Stas,

        I checked with couple of SIP UACs and I found none using the
        "DOCTYPE" line the published presence XML. So, I guess you
        should simply drop such a line in your testing.

        The "tuple" node is replacing your "atom" node (at least this
        is what I noticed while trying other UACs). Here is an
        example of a PUBLISH xml generated by Zoiper:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <presence xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"
                <tuple id="bogdan" >

        In regards to the crash, even if the XML is not properly
        formated, it should not crash - can you send me the actual MI
        command + content to try to reproduce the crash and have it
        fixed ?

        Best regards,

        Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
        OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

        On 04.01.2016 18:49, Stas Kobzar wrote:
        Hello all and Happy New Year!

        I have a problem with publishing application/xpidf+xml
        (Xpidf) presence info with OpenSIPS mi (ver11).
        It seems like it is not supported.

        The xpidf xml body is something like this:

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!DOCTYPE presence PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx XPIDF
        1.0//EN" "xpidf.dtd">
          <presentity uri="sip:244@
        <mailto:sip%3A244@>;method=SUBSCRIBE" />
          <atom id="*45244*600">
            <address uri="sip:*45244*600@
        <mailto:600@>;user=ip" priority="0.800000">
              <status status="open" />
              <msnsubstatus substatus="online" />

        After browsing around the source I think there are two problems:
        1. (in modules/pua/add_events.c:pres_process_body) function
        from libxml2 xmlParseMemory returns NULL when finds the
        line <!DOCTYPE presence PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx XPIDF
        1.0//EN" "xpidf.dtd">

        2. Another problem: when I remove the line above from body
        there is a call to another function that is looking for
        "<tuple>" node in xml (in
        node= xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc, "tuple", NULL);

        But there is no "tuple" in xpidf document. So it returns error.

        3. As an experiment, I added "<tuple>" inside my presence
        body and it crashed OpenSIPS with:
        CRITICAL:core:receive_fd: EOF on 18

        Is there a way to make xpidf presence content type work with
        pua_mi module?

        Thank you,

        Stas Kobzar

        Developeur VoIP / VoIP Developer

        ModulisĀ­.ca Inc.

        # Bureau / Office: 514-284-2020 x 246

        Email: s <http://firstname.lastname>tas.kob...@modulis.ca

        https://www.modulis.com <https://www.modulis.com/>

        Users mailing list
        Users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:Users@lists.opensips.org>

    Stas Kobzar

    Developeur VoIP / VoIP Developer

    ModulisĀ­.ca Inc.

    # Bureau / Office: 514-284-2020 x 246 <tel:514-284-2020%20x%20246>

    Email: s <http://firstname.lastname>tas.kob...@modulis.ca

    https://www.modulis.com <https://www.modulis.com/>


Stas Kobzar

Developeur VoIP / VoIP Developer

ModulisĀ­.ca Inc.

# Bureau / Office: 514-284-2020 x 246

Email: s <http://firstname.lastname>tas.kob...@modulis.ca

https://www.modulis.com <https://www.modulis.com/>

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