
I am using the "top hiding" B2B scenario and am a bit puzzled as to the thinking that led to the current scheme for the generation of GUIDs on the B-leg of B2BUA entities.

In b2b_entities/dlg.c:b2b_generate_key(), the use of this format:

   <B2B prefix>.<hash index>.<local index>

leads to very short Call-IDs like this:

   Call-ID: B2B.27572.17705

This is impractically short, and is certain to lead to collisions in a high-volume environment with millions of calls daily. There are many database systems etc. that rely on all calls being identifiable by a unique GUID. I don't think it conforms to the RFC 3261 prescription that GUIDs be good GUIDs.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to simply append additional random data to the key string, since the Call-ID has specific meaning that is extracted in sequential requests, as per b2b_entities/dlg.c:b2b_parse_key(). This function also foresees the length of the GUID and the positioning of the delimiters to be rather static in nature.

Furthermore, the only way I can see to lengthen the GUID is to increase the B2B entity hash size. I have it set to 2^16, but it doesn't seem practical or worthwhile to set it to much more than that. Even increasing it to millions of buckets will only produce a gain of another 3-4 [0-9] digits, which isn't the combinatoric explosion I'm looking for. :-)

For the moment, I have "solved" this problem by:

1) Setting a static

modparam("b2b_entities", "b2b_key_prefix", "ABCDEFGIJKLMNOP")

of 15 characters in length.

1) Removing the code in b2b_parse_key() that compares the prefix to the value of the `b2b_key_prefix` modparam, so that this portion of the Call-ID can be any 15-character string.

2) Modifying b2b_generate_key() to generate a random 15-character string in place of the `b2b_key_prefix`:

static char *ever_so_random(int len)
        static char buf[20];
        int i = 0;
        struct timeval tv;

        memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

        for(i = 0; i < len; i ++) {

                buf[i] = (char) ((int) 'A' + (rand() % 26));

        return buf;


str* b2b_generate_key(unsigned int hash_index, unsigned int local_index)
len = sprintf(buf, "%s.%d.%d", ever_so_random(b2b_key_prefix.len), hash_index, local_index);

This is a rather naive and unsophisticated approach to generating random data, just the first thing that popped into my head. Together with an augmented HASH_SIZE constant of 1 << 23, passed to core_hash(), it generates Call-IDs like:

Call-ID: LGHJRYMWFKMRIMP.55196.78746776
Call-ID: GIUSLMQJLSWSJVW.42081.639158452
Call-ID: DNDAINOIOZXCEDB.9209.1278194624

Better than nothing, but not ultimately where happiness lies. :-)

My real questions are:

1) Am I missing any key design decisions that led to the generation of such short Call-IDs on the B leg, seemingly in flagrant violation of RFC 3261's prescription (Section "Call-ID") that ...

   In a new request created by a UAC outside of any dialog, the Call-ID
   header field MUST be selected by the UAC as a globally unique
   identifier over space and time unless overridden by method-specific
   behavior.  All SIP UAs must have a means to guarantee that the Call-
   ID header fields they produce will not be inadvertently generated by
   any other UA.

2) Is there some way to override this that I don't realise, e.g. using a minimalistic scenario file for topology hiding?

Many thanks in advance!

-- Alex

Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
303 Perimeter Center North, Suite 300
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