Dear Users,
I am trying to fetch SNMP stats from opensips and getting general failure
error, I have configured snmpstats module in opensips and have also
configured snmpd service on CentOS. System Packaging details are as follows:

OS Version:  CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
Opensips Version: Server:: OpenSIPS (2.1.1 (x86_64/linux))
SNMP Version: NET-SNMP version 5.7.2

Configuration Details and logs are as follows:

* configuration:*
loadmodule ""
modparam("snmpstats", "sipEntityType", "registrarServer")
modparam("snmpstats", "snmpgetPath", "/usr/bin/")

*snmpd.conf :*
*rocommunity  public*
*syslocation  "VM, Virtual DataCenter"*
*syscontact  XXXX*
*master agentx*
*agentXSocket    tcp:localhost:705*

*defVersion      2c*
*defCommunity    public*

agentXSocket tcp:localhost:705

*Output of netstat:*
[root@VoIPDevSys ~]# netstat -nlp | grep snmpd
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN
udp        0      0   *

in snmpd.log AgentX master support enabled can be seen:

*Feb  9 16:49:45 VoIPDevSys systemd: Starting Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) Daemon....*
*Feb  9 16:49:45 VoIPDevSys snmpd[28461]: Turning on AgentX master support.*
*Feb  9 16:49:45 VoIPDevSys snmpd[28461]: Turning on AgentX master support.*
*Feb  9 16:49:45 VoIPDevSys snmpd[28461]: NET-SNMP version 5.7.2*
*Feb  9 16:49:45 VoIPDevSys systemd: Started Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) Daemon..*

Output of different commands:

Basic command sysLocation.0 works:
*[root@VoIPDevSys opensips]# snmpbulkwalk -O s -v 2c -c  public localhost
*sysLocation.0 = STRING: \"VM, Virtual DataCenter\"*

Command openserSIPProtocolVersion.0 also works using snmpget:
[root@VoIPDevSys opensips]# snmpget -O s -v 2c -c  public localhost
openserSIPProtocolVersion.0 = STRING: SIP/2.0

*But when I try to fetch common objects i am getting following error:*

*[root@VoIPDevSys opensips]# snmpwalk -O s -v 2c -c  public localhost
*openserSIPProtocolVersion.0 = STRING: SIP/2.0*
*Error in packet.*
*Reason: (genError) A general failure occured*
*Failed object: openserSIPProtocolVersion.0*

[root@VoIPDevSys opensips]# snmpbulkwalk -v2c -Os -c public localhost
Error in packet.
Reason: (genError) A general failure occured
Failed object: openserSIPCommonMIB.

openser = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID.

Please advice where I am doing wrong, or is it a bug in getting the
complete object from snmpstats module.

*Husnain Taseer*
*VoIP Developer*
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