Grabbing it now, I'll send it directly/off-list.


On 09/02/16 04:37 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:

Could you provide a libpcap-formatted capture of this scenario, either
on-list or privately?

-- Alex

On 02/09/2016 04:35 PM, Ross wrote:

(I'm new to opensips, so bare with me if I'm off track).

I setup a very simple configuration using b2bua for a quick top hiding
setup/proxy, and it works correctly, except for handling BYE messages
coming from the upstream connection. Note, db_mode is set to 0 for both
b2b_logic + entities.

setup: source client (aka invite initiator) -> os/b2b -> upstream

Quick Issue description:

Call sessions is established, and works fine, and when the client
disconnects (initiates the bye message), the call disconnects cleanly
with all parties as expected. (this is good/normal)

But when the server side disconnects first (sends the initial bye
message), opensips improperly handles the bye message by believing it to
be from the client side. Therefore doesn't properly send the
corresponding responses to the remote parties.

In more detail:

Delving into the code, and looking at some packet sniffs/debugs, I've
come to the idea that the b2b code (notably starting dlg.c:706) doesn't
take into account that the new BYE message will have the To/From Fields
reversed when from the server as it's not technically a response.
Because of this, the b2b_parse_key on 708 fails as it's only looking at
the "to" field tag for it's index key.

Then the request falls through and is then incorrectly parsed as a
client sourced packet, as that lookup uses a different index key
(callid), which is correct for the session.

I've tested this using metaswitch and asterisk in both the client and
server positions and they both return the same data (to/from), but would
like anyone else's thoughts on this.  Apologies, while I can read code,
I'm not a proper programmer to make a real patch.


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