Well, can we see the requests being sent to Asterisk? :)

On 03/31/2016 01:48 PM, Travis Manson-Drake wrote:

Hello everyone.

Hope your all doing well!

I seem to be having an issue in which when a call is sent through
OpenSIPS to my Asterisk PBX asterisk with eventually send a BYE with a
hang up Cause of 111/unrecognized sip header. I looked at the headers of
all my packets but can’t find anything out of the norm. has anyone
experienced this before and ideas on what it might be or what I might check?

I found a few article on asterisk forums mention NAT issues, but I’ve
implemented a NAT helper into my routing logic so that shouldn’t be the

Thank you all for your time

Travis Manson-Drake
Voice Systems Analyst

Simply Bits, LLC
T:520.545.0311 F:520.545.7252
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Support Hotline: 520.545.0333

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