Pete, Razvan just made a fix for this issue. It was tested and uploaded on GIT, still please give it try and let me know if ok.

Many thanks for the report,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 19.05.2016 12:04, Pete Kelly wrote:
I can confirm the bug is still present with a SIGTERM shutdown.

On 18 May 2016 at 10:52, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu < <>> wrote:

    Hi Pete,

    By doing kill -9, you completely kill ALL opensips processes, so
    there is no cleanup/flush during shutdown. On crashes, the worker
    processes crashes - the attendant cannot crash (as it is not doing
    anything), so this process can do the shutdown in a proper way.

    Can you try to see if the call is properly recover if you do
    normal restart (no SIGKILL, but SIGTERM) ? If it does, please take
    a snapshot of the db entry (for that call) while opensips is down
    - one for KILL, one for TERM; and let's see the differences -
    maybe some dialog data gets flushed only during shutdown.


    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
    OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

    On 18.05.2016 10:53, Pete Kelly wrote:
    Yes exactly - in fact I did not restart opensips, I waited until
    the call is established, and until dialog had flushed to DB and
    then killall -9 opensips to simulate a crash.

    Upon restart the dialog was loaded in from database

    On 17 May 2016 at 18:18, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Pete,

        No, this is not a know bug, nor an intended behavior. So,
        simply restarting opensips during a TH call will lead to this
        error ? no special setup, just a proxy between 2 end points,
        right ?


        Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
        OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

        On 17.05.2016 16:36, Pete Kelly wrote:
        I am seeing something interesting with topology_hiding +
        dialog on 2.1. If I let the dialog flush to the DB and kill
        opensips, opensips loads back in the dialog info on startup
        as expected.

        However any new in dialog requests (e.g. BYE) do not proxy -
        it looks like Via, Call-ID and Contact are restored but ruri
        is not - which makes OpenSIPS loop the request back to itself.

        For reference, to "enable" topology hiding, I am simply
        calling topology_hiding("C") then in has_totag() I am
        calling topology_hiding_match()

        If I perform the same test without topology hiding, the
        in-dialog requests continue to proxy as normal.

        Is this a known bug/quirk, is it likely I am not performing
        some check or test that i need to?

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