So - i dont see a problem here - Chrome is getting UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF and Freeswitch is getting RTP/AVP. Freeswitch responded to the offer in the invite with an answer in the 183, and in the 200. What is the failure you are seeing, and where is it happening (in freeswitch? in the browser?)

The only thing that looks bad is that you are retransmitting the ACK which FS either ... doesnt like, or is never getting, because it keeps retransmitting the 200, which is why you get a 481 when you send BYE.


On 06/23/2016 01:24 PM, John Nash wrote:
OK here is the log

Sorry took me a while to convert wireshark trace to text file.

My freeswitch is running on private IP ( and opensips I run on both public and private so that for outside world opensips is the only public IP they see. In proxy log I pasted Opensips ===> Freeswitch logs and back.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:43 AM, Eric Tamme < <>> wrote:

    No - it's annoying to look at a trace that's had information
    removed and try and piece together whats happening.  Your paranoid
    side is wrong, sorry.


    On 06/23/2016 01:06 PM, Patrick Wakano wrote:
    my paranoic side would recommend to hide/change private
    informations, specially any authentication line that might
    appear... this is certainly a sort of social engineering threat
    we should worry...
    better be safe than sorry....

    On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Eric Tamme <
    <>> wrote:

        I mean you can use a private gist, but you will be publishing
        the link in a public email list. In general I personally dont
        believe revealing ip addresses etc. is any problem - to put
        my money where my mouth is here is a gist link to an
        unaltered SIP trace on my server :)


        On 06/23/2016 12:23 PM, John Nash wrote:
        Ok i am ready with logs. About gist may I use private option
        as traces have our IPs, user

        On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Eric Tamme
        < <>> wrote:

            Hey John,

            Please paste a full UNALTERED sip trace into a gist
            ( <>) from the
            proxy servers perspective and provide a link so that we
            can see what comes in, and what goes out from both sides.

            EG: ngrep -qtd any -W byline port 5060

            This will show us the traffic that is leaving the proxy
            destined for the Freeswitch box, and what the freeswitch
            box sends back.

            Also - you can look in your browsers console log and
            provide the SIP trace from there in a seperate gist, so
            that we can see what opensips sends back up to your browser.


            Am I using correct sip.js example? I copied it to my
            server and accessing it using https: (used letsencrypt)

            On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Eric Tamme
            < <>> wrote:

                1. I would suggest using SIP.js -
       it is a much more
                active project that sipml5.

                2. Im guessing that you are not properly passing
                flags to RTPEngine.  If you want to have DTLS-SRTP
                between the browser, and plain RTP/AVP between
                RTPEngine and freeswitch, you need to "offer"
                rtp/avp to freeswitch, and "answer" dtls-srtp back
                up to the browser.

                the offer to freeswitch would be:

                         $var(rtpengine_flags) = "RTP/AVP replace-session-connection 
replace-origin ICE=remove";

                and the answer back up to the browswer would be:

                         $var(rtpengine_flags) = "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF ICE=force";


                On 06/23/2016 08:20 AM, John Nash wrote:
                I am following
                and trying to test a call

                sipml5 ----------->Opensips + rtpengine -------->
                SIP end point (Freeswitch)

                But I do not have any audio on both sides. I see
                this error at rtpengine log "SRTP output wanted,
                but no crypto suite was negotiated"

                Anyone tested this scenario positive?

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