
This is a different scenario than the other you responded to. As I said, we 
have two types of servers that work together. One is a load-balancer and runs 
as a proxy. It uses double Record-Route because it sends messages between 
public and private networks. Then we have our other servers using TH which 
receive those requests. We are not using TH and RR on the same server (although 
I would like to).

If validate_dialog() and fix_route_dialog() (and possibly loose_route()) should 
not be called when using TH, I believe the documentation should reference that. 
It states that match_dialog() must be used with TH, but does not indicate that 
the other functions should not be used or that the functionality won’t work. 
There is also no documentation of the incompatibility between RR and TH.

Either way, I ran a test where I removed all calls to loose_route(), 
validate_dialog(), and fix_route_dialog() from my script. The crash still 
occurred and the BT still pointed to fix_route_dialog() function. So it must be 
getting called from within Dialog module somewhere. That BT is here:

I collected this BT with loose_route() being called from my script, but not 
validate_dialog() or fix_route_dialog():

This BT was collected with all three functions being called from my script:

Ben Newlin

From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <>
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 3:57 AM
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <>, "Newlin, Ben" 
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS fix_route_dialog crashes

Hi Ben,

First, if you use TH, makes no sense to do Record-Routing - there are 2 SIP 
concepts that overlaps. You either act as an end-point (by doing TH), either as 
a proxy (doing RR).

If doing TH, makes no sense to use validate + fix as these functions check and 
repair the routing information in the request (like Route and Contact headers). 
if you do TH, this routing info is actually hidden and added by OpenSIPS, so 
there is nothing to fix and repair.

Nevertheless, this should not crash or corrupt OpenSIPS. HAve you managed to 
get a corefile ?

Also if you suspect memory corruption, you can compile-in the memory debugger - 
see .


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
On 26.07.2016 23:20, Newlin, Ben wrote:
I have had 3 OpenSIPS server crashes in the last week. All were due to 
segmentation faults. I was not able to capture core dumps; I am configuring 
that now to catch the next crash.

My logs leading up to the crash are full of errors from fix_route_dialog() 
complaining about invalid URIs for sequential requests:

Jul 26 19:34:02 [220] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 19:34:02 [220] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <ip:1> (4) 
/ <ip:;ftag=gK0448f137;lr;r2=on>> (44)

Jul 26 19:11:19 [218] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 19:11:19 [218] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <b0i2> (4) 
/ <b0i2yjor;transport=udp<sip:;ftag=7207ce89;lr;r2=on> (65)

Jul 26 17:43:19 [220] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 17:43:19 [220] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <ervi> (4) 
/ <ervice_id6fdbc70f-2438-4726-807c-0d081df4d87> (44)

Many times the “URI” displayed in the error message is actually internal 
OpenSIPS variables, as in the last error above. When they are from the SIP 
message, I have verified that the messages themselves are correctly formatted. 
This leads me to believe there is memory corruption occurring.

This all started when I updated my load-balancer servers to use Record-Routing, 
specifically the “double_rr” mechanism for when multiple interfaces exist. The 
Record-Routing is occurring on different servers which have not crashed. Only 
the servers receiving the Record-Routed messages are experiencing the errors.

Here is a piece of the code processing sequential requests. I am using the 
topology_hiding() functionality of the Dialog module. Are validate_dialog() and 
fix_route_dialog() still valid in a topology_hiding scenario?

if (t_check_trans())

  if (has_totag())

    if (match_dialog())
      if (!validate_dialog())

      if (is_method("BYE"))

    else if (!isflagset(SEQ_REQUEST))
      if (!is_method("ACK")) {
        route(rlog, LV_ERROR, "check_sequential", "Sequential request not 
        route(reply_error, "481", "Call Does Not Exist");


I will attempt to get core dumps of future crashes.

Ben Newlin


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