Hi Jonathan,

No, currently this is not possible. I was trying to envision a solution for your need.

But, checking the code, it is really difficult to add the headers to the INVITEs originated by OpenSIPS (via the B2BUA), as we need some flexibility (different headers to different INVITEs belonging to the same B2B scenario , and even more, we need to traverse couple of internal APIs - to propagate the hdrs from Call center module all the way to TM).

So, a simpler approach may be to add such extra info as URI params to the RURI. Like if you have the RURI "sip:queue@" for the queue/waiting playback, the RURI in the INVITE to the media server will look like : sip:queue@;cc_eta=40;cc_pos=10 - cc_eta being the estimated time to wait in seconds and cc_pos the position in the queue.

What do you think of this ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 12.10.2016 17:21, Jonathan Hunter wrote:
Hi Bogdan,

Yes being able to grab the queue position would be perfect.

Is that possible?



Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 2.1 call_center queue position
To: hunter...@hotmail.com; users@lists.opensips.org
From: bog...@opensips.org
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 15:42:43 +0300

Hi Jonathan,

When a call is mapped to a flow / queue (before playing the welcome message), we know the ETA (estimated time to wait) and when is placed in the queue (before playing the queuing) we internally know the position in the queue.

Would it help to have the position in the queue placed into a custome SIP header, when sending the INVITE to the message_queue URL ? or to the welcome message ?

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
On 12.10.2016 12:06, Jonathan Hunter wrote:

    Hello Bogdan,

    Thanks for the response.

    In terms of my question, with a number of queuing platforms, they
    have the capability to tell the caller, what position they are in
    , and when they are likely to be answered.

    I just wondered if this logic was already within the module, or if
    I would need to use an external code/script to facilitate this

    As I presume call_center tracks the number of calls currently in a
    queue ? I would then want to be able to extract that information,
    and if a caller was for example in 3rd place in a queue, I could
    inject the relevant audio from freeswitch to tell them their
    current position?

    Does that make sense? :)   Just wanted to know if its something
    this module can do?



    Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 2.1 call_center queue position
    To: users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>;
    hunter...@hotmail.com <mailto:hunter...@hotmail.com>
    From: bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>
    Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 11:23:45 +0300

    Hello Jon,

    The message_queue is a SIP URI pointing to an audio announcement
    to play to roll of the waiting/in-queue playback. This needs to be
    an announcements that never ends (from the perspective of the
    media server); only the the OpenSIPS Queue may terminate the
    playback, when it decides to take out the call from waiting and to
    deliver it to an agent.

    As for your question, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by
    "inject a message with queue position for the caller in question"
    - could you detail please ?


    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
    OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

    On 11.10.2016 13:36, Jonathan Hunter wrote:

        Hi guys,

        I have implemented an opensips/freeswitch environment, and I
        wish to add call queues to it, and I like the look of
        call_center, so just checking this out in comparison to
        mod_callcenter in FS world.

        My main question is if using the call_center module if you can
        inject a message with queue position for the caller in
        question, as I cant see that in documentation, I only see
        message_queue which I assume could be used to report the
        callers position, but just wondered if anyone has done this
        and if they could give me some tips as to if possible?

        Many thanks


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