Record-Route headers contain URIs, and like any SIP URI, they can contain a 
port component. If that port component is omitted, 5060 is presumed. 

On March 29, 2017 6:27:30 PM EDT, Satish Patel <> wrote:
>what is the use of port number in record-route?
>I am having major issue with that look like we are running sip server
>on different port to protect ourself from sip scanner we are using
>non-standard port like 6060/7070 multiple port on single server so it
>will failover to other port if firewall block them.
>I am seeing record-route adding first port in listen: directive for
>listen=udp:x.x.x.x:7070 udp:x.x.x.x:7070 udp:x.x.x.x:5062
>In this case my record-route always using 7070 in header default
>recordless request coming on 5062.
>I found one more issue here someone posted while ago
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-- Alex

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