I am sorry that it was early, but i could not find an answer for my question.
I want to ask for advice from community about how can i use Opensips as c "clean" Load_balancer for my project?
The scheme of the project is a classic.
Load_balancer ---> Proxy1/Register1
| |
| | mysql replication.
| |
|_____________> Proxy2/Register2
One load_balancer, two (or more) Proxies which have mysql replication relationship.
What do i mean about "clean"? I mean that it should ONLY act as a balancer. It should be entry point into my network and it should "live forever" (UPS, protected server, NO MySQL interaction dialing with transaction processing). It should not make any other action about call processing (besides TCP <-> UDP conversion). All actions (Call processing, authentication, Registration etc.) should "live" in Proxies.
So, my question is, can i do it?
Will Opensips work correctly in such scheme, including authentication procedure of the Call or Register processing?
Thank you for any help.
С уважением, Денис.
Best regards, Denis
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