Dear OpenSIPS users,

According to the OpenSIPS log, a callee answered a caller with SIP OK.

Such SIP OK has the following contact:

                  Contact: "Group" 

However, it seems that there is no available connection to port 40348. That is, 
opensips cann't send any message to that port.

So, after opensips relaying a SIP ACK to g1r2u3p4o5, it caused the following 

Jan 09 17:48:54 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 320 kb
Jan 09 17:48:54 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: TCP keepalive enabled on socket 22
Jan 09 17:48:54 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
ERROR:core:tcp_connect_blocking: poll error: flags 28 - 4 8 16 32
Jan 09 17:48:55 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
ERROR:core:tcp_connect_blocking: failed to retrieve SO_ERROR 
[server=] (111) Connection refused
Jan 09 17:48:55 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
ERROR:proto_tls:tls_sync_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed
Jan 09 17:48:55 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
ERROR:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: connect failed
Jan 09 17:48:55 colibri-imx6 opensips[23115]: Jan  9 17:48:54 [23135] 
ERROR:core:msg_send: send() for proto 3 failed

What is happening here?

How can a peer lost its connection or lost connect to opensips?

How to avoid this issue or recover from it?

I have no idea on what to do. Any hint will be very helpful!

Thanks a lot.

Inatel Competence Center
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