Hah! Yeah, it's a well-known proble, same if '@' appears in the
password. I'd love to know if there's a solution too, as there appears
to be no means of escaping these.

On Mon, Feb 05, 2018 at 07:08:58PM +0100, Olle Frimanson wrote:

> Hi, we are experiencing an issue with a roleout in Microsoft Azure, where
> the DB  username contains a "@" sign. This seems to be the default in MySQL
> in Azure.  Is there anyway to escape this the URL for the clusterer module?
> If you use mysql client it's typical something like
> Mysql -h host.mysql.azure.com -u opensips@host -popensips opensips, which
> works fine
> In clustererar where we use this this translates to:
> modparam("clusterer",
> "db_url","mysql://opensips@host:opens...@host.mysql.azure.com/opensips")
> which fails
> Any ideas on a workaround on this?
> BR / Olle

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