
Thanks for the reply.  I finally got a chance to try the fix.  

That fixed the issue.

Also, thank Liviu for the MATHOPS module.  

Between the two of these, we are able to fully rate the calls in opensips.

Thanks again,
Pat Burke

Direct: (402) 403-5121   |   Cell: (402) 443-8929  |   Email: 
1801 23rd Avenue North   |  Suite 217    |  Fargo, North Dakota 58102
-----Original Message----- 
> From: "Răzvan Crainea" <raz...@opensips.org> 
> To: users@lists.opensips.org 
> Date: 05/18/18 02:13 
> Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] db_extra_bye - after BYE values in CDR in 2.4 
> Hi, Pat!
> Are you using event-based acc, or you are doing CDRs? I am asking 
> because I don't see anywhere in your script where you are trying to 
> match the BYE against a dialog, therefore a CDR cannot be properly 
> generated. Or perhaps you are doing the loose_route(), after setting the 
> variables. If that's the case, can you try setting them *after* 
> loose_route() or match_dialog()?
> Best regards,
> Răzvan
> On 05/17/2018 09:47 PM, Pat Burke wrote:
> > 
> > Răzvan,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > That is what I assumed when I updated the code, but I am not getting the 
> > values from after the BYE inserted.  What am I doing wrong?  Thanks for 
> > your help.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > *****************************************
> > 
> > Here are the acc configuration values
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > #### Accounting module
> > 
> > loadmodule "acc.so"
> > 
> > modparam("acc","db_url","virtual://set1")
> > 
> > modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "db: 
> > setuptime_msec;end_setup_time;host_name;server_id;server_type;formatted_caller_number;formatted_callee_number;trunk_group;tech_prefix;dial_number;accountcode;prefered_codecs;callee_iso3;callee_iso2;callee_nanp;callee_dialcode;callee_routecode;caller_iso3;caller_iso2;caller_nanp;caller_dialcode;route_profile;caller_state;callee_state;callee_number_type;lrn;routeto_number;customer_rate;customer_rate_type;inter_intra;allowed_iso3s;max_carrier_rate;routing_history;current_carrier;current_carrier_price;current_carrier_idx;out_carrier;out_carrier_price;error_reason;host_ip;inbound_ip;outbound_ip;max_routes;vts_setup_ms;to180_msec;call_routed;carrier_choice;configuration_details;general_details;call_details;optional_details;additional_details;inbound_details;call_start_seconds;call_start_useconds;call_end_seconds;call_end_useconds;bye_src_ip;bye_time")
> > 
> > modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 1)
> > 
> > modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > *****************************************
> > 
> > Here is the start of the script where the BYE is captured, you can see I am 
> > logging the acc_extra values just to make certain they are set.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > route {
> > 
> >      if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
> > 
> >          sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
> > 
> >          exit;
> > 
> >      }
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > #xlog("L_INFO", "$ru ----- $rm\n");
> > 
> >      if (has_totag()) {
> > 
> >          if (is_method("BYE")) {
> > 
> >              if ($avp(call_end_seconds) == NULL) {
> > 
> > xlog("L_WARN", "phb 1\n");
> > 
> >                  $acc_extra(bye_src_ip) = $si;
> > 
> >                  $acc_extra(bye_time) = $Ts;
> > 
> >                  
> > get_timestamp($avp(call_end_seconds),$avp(call_end_useconds));
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >                  $acc_extra(call_end_seconds) = $avp(call_end_seconds);
> > 
> >                  $acc_extra(call_end_useconds) = $avp(call_end_useconds);
> > 
> > xlog("L_WARN", "phb 2 $acc_extra(bye_src_ip) = $si; $acc_extra(bye_time) = 
> > $Ts; $acc_extra(call_end_seconds) = $avp(call_end_seconds); 
> > $acc_extra(call_end_useconds) = $avp(call_end_useconds);\n");
> > 
> >              } else {
> > 
> >                  xlog("L_INFO", "$rU SCRIPT:BILLING:DEBUG: Extra BYE 
> > received.\n");
> > 
> >              }
> > 
> >          }
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > *****************************************
> > 
> > Here is the output from the phone call.  The values are set.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [2921]: phb 1
> > 
> > [2921]: phb 2 =; 1526580586 = 1526580586; 
> > 1526580586 = 1526580586; 232433 = 232433;
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > *****************************************
> > 
> > Here is the db insert that was actually sent to the database.  The values 
> > that I set are ''.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > insert into acc 
> > (method,from_tag,to_tag,callid,sip_code,sip_reason,time,setuptime_msec,end_setup_time,host_name,server_id,server_type,
> > 
> >                     
> > formatted_caller_number,formatted_callee_number,trunk_group,tech_prefix,dial_number,accountcode,prefered_codecs,
> > 
> >                     
> > callee_iso3,callee_iso2,callee_nanp,callee_dialcode,callee_routecode,caller_iso3,caller_iso2,caller_nanp,caller_dialcode,
> > 
> >                     
> > route_profile,caller_state,callee_state,callee_number_type,lrn,routeto_number,customer_rate,customer_rate_type,inter_intra,
> > 
> >                     
> > allowed_iso3s,max_carrier_rate,routing_history,current_carrier,current_carrier_price,current_carrier_idx,
> > 
> >                     out_carrier,out_carrier_price,
> > 
> >                     
> > error_reason,host_ip,inbound_ip,outbound_ip,max_routes,vts_setup_ms,to180_msec,call_routed,carrier_choice,
> > 
> >                     configuration_details,
> > 
> >                     general_details,
> > 
> >                     call_details,
> > 
> >                     optional_details,
> > 
> >                     additional_details,
> > 
> >                     inbound_details,
> > 
> >                     call_start_seconds,call_start_useconds,
> > 
> > COLUMNS HERE ->     
> > call_end_seconds,call_end_useconds,bye_src_ip,bye_time,setuptime,created,duration,ms_duration
> >  )
> > 
> > values 
> > ('INVITE','e61fa171a5','2082486450','V30_d0RXCDUtMWYrRVFWYn1mZA--','200','OK','2018-05-17
> >  15:39:25','2079','1526571565','wahoo-OpenSipsCore02','29','1',
> > 
> >                     
> > '14024035128','14024035121','90761','none','14024035121','190761','PCMU|PCMA|telephone-event',
> > 
> >                     'USA','US','1','1402','4022060','USA','US','1','1402',
> > 
> >                     
> > '30','NE','NE','Landline','4022060239','4022060','11000','FLAT','1',
> > 
> >                     '','0','[ { \"idx\": 2, \"cc\": \"1105\", \"cp\": 1000, 
> > \"st\": 1526571563, \"ct\": 1526571565, \"rs\": \"\", \"rr\": \"\" } 
> > ]','1105','1000','2',
> > 
> >                     '1111, 1105, 1067, 1088, 1060, 1076, 1062, 1051','726, 
> > 1000, 1020, 1800, 2400, 2500, 7000, 14400',
> > 
> >                     '1111 Diff 
> > Removed.','','','','4','6','58','','1',
> > 
> >                     '{ \"max_cc\": \"15\", \"max_cps\": \"4\", 
> > \"ingress_server_id\": \"30\", \"core_server_group\": \"10002\", 
> > \"caller_format_profile\": 60000, \"callee_format_profile\": 50000, 
> > \"cnam_enabled\": 0, \"route_profile\": 30, \"auth_profile\": 5, 
> > \"dtmfmode\": \"2833\", \"t38\": 0, \"privacy\": 0, \"rtpproxy_group\": 1, 
> > \"landline_only\": 0, \"is_mark_up_rate\": 0, \"nanp_rate_id\": 5, 
> > \"international_rate_id\": 2, \"limit_calls_to_profit\": 0, 
> > \"mark_up_margin\": 0, \"min_profit_margin\": 0, \"max_mark_up\": 150000, 
> > \"immediate_media\": 0, \"tz\": \"US\\/Eastern\", \"dnc_mode\": \"NONE\", 
> > \"dnc_route\": \"ALWAYS\" }',
> > 
> >                     '{ }',
> > 
> >                     '{ \"inbound_media\": \"c=IN IP4\", 
> > \"proxy_media\": 1, \"default_caller_id\": \"14024034435\", 
> > \"default_caller_name\": \"UNKNOWN\", \"callername\": \"\", 
> > \"callernameset\": 0, \"dr_grp\": 1, \"dr_part\": \"INTRA\", 
> > \"cust_dr_grp\": 4, \"cust_dr_part\": \"CUST_INTRA\", \"callee_routecode\": 
> > \"4022060\", \"route_to_number\": \"4022060239\", \"callee_number_type\": 
> > \"Landline\", \"ringtype\": 180 }',
> > 
> >                     '{ }',
> > 
> >                     '{ \"flat_rates\": 
> > \"CAN,11000,11000!CNT,200000,200000!PRI,15000,15000!TFN,5000,5000!UAK,40000,40000!UHI,19000,19000!USA,11000,11000!VIR,25000,25000\",
> >  \"supplemental_rates\": \"none\" }',
> > 
> >                     '{ }',
> > 
> >                     '1526571565','940740',
> > 
> > VALUES HERE ->     '','','','',2,'2018-05-17 15:39:23',4,3910)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The values for call_end_seconds,call_end_useconds,bye_src_ip,bye_time are 
> > all ''.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Pat Burke
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ______________________________________________________________________________________
> > Direct: (402) 403-5121   |   Cell: (402) 443-8929  |   Email: 
> > p...@voxtelesys.com
> > 1801 23rd Avenue North   |  Suite 217    |  Fargo, North Dakota 58102
> >   
> > -----Original Message-----
> >> From: "Răzvan Crainea" <raz...@opensips.org>
> >> To: users@lists.opensips.org
> >> Date: 05/17/18 04:13
> >> Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] db_extra_bye - after BYE values in CDR in 2.4
> >>
> >> Hi, Pat!
> >>
> >> In the new 2.4, the process of setting extras became even simpler. All
> >> you have to do is to set the $acc_extra() value when the BYE is receved.
> >> Let me know if you have further questions.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Răzvan
> >>
> >> On 05/16/2018 11:38 PM, Pat Burke wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I am trying to store data in the CDR from both before the BYE and after
> >>> the BYE.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> In OpenSIPS 2.2.x we did the following -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> modparam("acc",
> >>> "db_extra","setuptime_msec=$avp(setuptime_msec);end_setup_time=$Ts;host_name=$avp(host_name)
> >>> ....
> >>>
> >>> modparam("acc", "db_extra_bye",
> >>> "call_end_seconds=$avp(call_end_seconds);call_end_useconds=$avp(call_end_useconds);bye_src_ip=$avp(bye_src_ip);bye_time=$avp(bye_time)")
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> All of the values were sent to the database.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> In OpenSIPS 2.4.x we are doing the following -
> >>>
> >>> modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "db:
> >>> setuptime_msec;end_setup_time;host_name; ...
> >>> ;call_end_seconds;call_end_useconds;bye_src_ip;bye_time")
> >>>
> >>> I am setting the $acc_extra(call_end_seconds) values after the BYE, but
> >>> nothing is being sent to the database.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> How do we handle the after BYE values into the CDR for 2.4?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks in advance.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> *Pat Burke*
> >>>
> >>> Voxtelesys | solutions to grow your business
> >>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
> >>> Direct: (402) 403-5121 |   Cell: (402) 443-8929 |   Email:
> >>> p...@voxtelesys.com <mailto:p...@voxtelesys.com>
> >>> 1801 23rd Avenue North |  Suite 217 |  Fargo, North Dakota 58102
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Users mailing list
> >>> Users@lists.opensips.org
> >>> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>>
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> Răzvan Crainea
> >> OpenSIPS Core Developer
> >>     http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Users mailing list
> >> Users@lists.opensips.org
> >> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > Users@lists.opensips.org
> > http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> > 
> -- 
> Răzvan Crainea
> OpenSIPS Core Developer
>    http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@lists.opensips.org
> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users

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