Hi all, I'm currently a bit stuck trying to implement a mid-registrar in my
dev environment. My setup is that I have a hardphone that is registering to
opensips, opensips challenges the register, and once authenticated, the
register is sent to an Asterisk server that is setup with no
authentication. The diagram below illustrates this:

        │                     ┌────────┐                   ┌────────┐
       ┌┴┐                    │OpenSips│                   │Asterisk│
      Alice                   └────────┘                   └────────┘
        │REGISTER (expires 60 sec)│                            │
        │─────────────────────────>                            │
        │                         │                            │
        │    401 Unauthorized     │                            │
        │<─────────────────────────                            │
        │                         │                            │
        │REGISTER (expires 60 sec)│                            │
        │─────────────────────────>                            │
        │                         │                            │
        │                         │ REGISTER (expires 3600 sec)│
        │                         │ ───────────────────────────>
        │                         │                            │
        │                         │  200 OK (expires 3600 sec) │
        │                         │ <───────────────────────────
        │                         │                            │
        │200 OK (expires 3600 sec)│                            │
        │<─────────────────────────                            │
      Alice                   ┌────────┐                   ┌────────┐
       ┌─┐                    │OpenSips│                   │Asterisk│
       ║"│                    └────────┘                   └────────┘

I have set the mid_registrar.outgoing_expires to 3600 secs, so Opensips
alters the expires in the REGISTER that is sent to asterisk (which is what
I want), however, my issue is that the 3600 seconds gets propagated back to
Alice, through the 200 OK that is replied from Asterisk to OpenSips which
in turn sends it back to Alice.

I was wondering if anyone would know of a way to send back 60 seconds in
the 200 OK that is sent back to Alice so that Alice keeps sending me
REGISTERs every 60 seconds.

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