Hi All

On 5th of December, I will talk at<https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6605066211233460224&keywords=%23sipnoc2019&originTrackingId=7AFxItq%2BFji6frtUIfI3qg%3D%3D>SIPNOC 2019 [1] about the new STIR/SHAKEN implementation [2] in OpenSIPS 3.1, about the usage models and the associated risks.

[1] https://www.sipforum.org/news-events/sipnoc-2019-overview/
[2] https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/tree/master/modules/stir_shaken

10:45am – 11:15am: The Usage Models and Risks of STIR/SHAKEN, Seen from the Pragmatism of an Implementation.

There are many things still to be defined and settled in STIR/SHAKEN from the regulatory perspective. Nevertheless, this presentation wants to bring this topic under scrutiny from the point of view of an implementation in the OpenSIPS SIP Server. So, what are the possible STIR/SHAKEN usage scenarios from the perspective of how the SIP traffic is handled and, more important, how the certificates are managed. While a SIP server may cover the full horizontal of authorization, inspection and verification processes, it is more relevant to see what are the possible models when comes to certificate managing. And definitely there is a need for coexistence between a certificate-agnostic model and a certificate self-managing model, in order to answer to future standardization and usage challenges. ITSP, Telcos and Carries are to deploy and use STIR/SHAKEN  implementations in the real word, so are they fully aware of the security and performance risks introduced by such a service? Well, the exercise of producing such a STIR/SHAKEN implementation is a good way to answer these questions and get yourselves ready.

See you in Washington!

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Bootcamp Pre-Registration

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