Hi All,

I wanted to follow up on a recent issue I experienced to understand if
it was due to user error or a bug that needs to be patched.

The issue was traced back to a simple function call in the permissions module:

check_source_address(0, $avp(address_desc))

Nearly every request processed would have been an unlisted source
address and a negative response would have been expected. As an in
memory hash lookup for a small address list (<50 records) this seemed
like a very safe operation to perform.

The AVP is uninitialised at the point of invocation - I am guessing
that this is key to the problem. To resolve the problem I have simply
removed the AVP and the method call is now:


I would like to learn whether using an AVP for this operation was
incorrect or whether there was another reason for the leak. I've had a
go at reviewing the source for permissions and pvar however I quickly
got lost trying to find where the AVP initialisation would have been
invoked. Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks,



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