Below is a short config example.

route {
rtpengine_manage();  #say the first call attempt need rtpengine

failure_route[handle_failure] {
if (isflagset(CallFWD)){route(handle_callfwd);}

if (t_relay()){
xlog("L_INFO","Stateful relay done. RB=$rb(application/sdp)");

Looks like the t_relay in the handle_callfwd will inherit the SDP info that 
rtpengine_manage entered in the first attempt.

Also, another interesting fact is that the SDP info is added while the t_relay 
is called. Looks like the t_relay is using its data in memory and re-write the 
SDP. the  $rb(application/sdp) is not changed until the t_relay is called.

How can I, for example, remove the rtpengine related SDP for the second INVITE 
generated by the failure_route?
I tried rtpengine_delete() in handle_callfwd or rtpengine_manage() in the 
failure_route which suppose to do rtpengine_delete also, but they don't work as 

Thanks in advance.

William Jin
From: Users <> on behalf of William Jin 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 June 2020 9:09 AM
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <>
Subject: [OpenSIPS-Users] question about rtpengine_manage() in failure_route

Hi All

May I know how can I rewrite the SDP (rtpengine) in the failure route?

The scenario is we use rtpengine_manage() in the first call attempt, if it 
fails, it uses failure_route, however, we want to change the SDP info.

For example, the call's first attempt is to an ipv6 UAC, when failed, we try 
ipv4 UAC. We need to change the rtpengine address-family to IP4 so the c= line 
can follow with an IPv4 address.

We tried to use rtpengine_manage("address-family=IP4"), but looks like the SDP 
still not changed.

Does anyone have any idea about this? Or is there any other way to achieve this?

William Jin
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