Hi Răzvan,

Thanks for the note. We tried quite a bit and don't think this worked out.
I think there's quite a few IP/NAT related issues that we couldn't fix.

Would be great if anyone who has tried doing this could help. Do we need to
change anything on rtpproxy config also?

Thanks again.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 11:08 AM HS <bull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I came across this Opensips blog (
> https://blog.opensips.org/2017/11/08/call-recording-in-opensips-2-4-using-siprec/).
> To clarify, we are using Opensips (3.0) + Rtpproxy. Just want to confirm:
> 1. Would it work on a cloud based setup (AWS)? I was thinking one EC2
> instance running opensips+rtpproxy+orkaudio. Another instance running
> orktrack+orkweb?
> 2. We could use S3 to store backups only?
> Anyone tried it? Watchouts?
> Thx a lot.
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