There are some leftovers in the module documentation related to 

The “password_column_2” column contains also HA1 strings but they should be 
calculated including the domain in the username parameter (as opposed to 
password_column which (when containing HA1 strings) should always contain HA1 
strings calculated without domain in username.

> On 16 Aug 2021, at 14:33, Adrian Georgescu <> wrote:
> Hi Liviu,
> I understand now better the purpose of that field and is indeed not needed 
> anymore!
> Regards,
> Adrian
>> On 16 Aug 2021, at 12:55, Liviu Chircu <> wrote:
>> On 13.08.2021 14:12, Adrian Georgescu wrote:
>>> I would very much like to see this feature ported back to 3.2 please!
>> Hi,
>> Could you offer a bit more info on why you would want it?  Like what kind of 
>> SIP phones are still out there that cannot handle the SIP auth specs in 
>> 2021?  If you think about it, they won't work with other SIP servers: no 
>> commercial SIP server and no Asterisk, FS, PJSIP, SIP.js, drachtio, 
>> reSIPprocate, etc.:  Not a single one of these implement this crazy "ha1b" 
>> feature, and none of them give a single damn if the phone is poorly 
>> implemented and appends the "@realm" part in the username component: they 
>> will happily reply with 401 Unauthorized until the implementor fixes the 
>> phone.
>> So why should OpenSIPS have this feature? Also, I suggest you open a GitHub 
>> feature request [1] as well on this topic -- maybe we get more opinions from 
>> there as well.
>> [1]:
>> Best,
>> -- 
>> Liviu Chircu
>> |
>> OpenSIPS Summit 2021 Distributed |

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