Heads up, one week to the deadline for the OpenSIPS 3.3 voting !


This is a huge opportunity to say your opinion in regards to the OpenSIPS evolution process, so don't miss it ! One per year offer :)

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS eBootcamp 2021

On 12/23/21 2:03 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

Dear OpenSIPS'ers,

We got to that time of year when we start backing a new OpenSIPS major version. An new year, a new version, a new topic to be addressed. So let me introduce you to the upcoming OpenSIPS 3.3 .

For the upcoming OpenSIPS 3.3 release the main focus is on the */instant messaging /*topic, from the Unified Communication and IMS perspectives. Shortly said, this mainly (not limited) translates into:

  * MSRP support (relaying and translation to MESSAGE)
  * OmniChannel Queue (or Contact Center)
  * RCS support
  * IM group chatting support (MSRP and MESSAGE)

For the full list with technical description and details, visit :



As community is important to us and we want to align the OpenSIPS roadmap with the needs of our users, be part of the shaping and decision making for the OpenSIPS 3.3 Dev Plan via this *Feature Survey <https://bit.ly/3ySMu7q>* - any feedback is important and it matters to us.

Best regards and enjoy the winter holidays!!
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS eBootcamp 2021

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