Thanks, I was trying to use the lookup function, overlooked completely
Note to self: RTFM!!!

On Mon, 14 Feb 2022 at 07:10, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <>

> Hi Alberto,
> I have to admit you lost me somewhere on the way with what you want to do.
> But focusing on your final question "But when the uac starts a call, how do
> I validate the uac was previously registered?", the answer is
> Regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
> OpenSIPS eBootcamp
> On 2/10/22 9:04 PM, Alberto wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed pretty much the available tutorials for mid_registrar, but I
> can't figure out something:
> I have:
> loadmodule ""
> modparam("registrar", "attr_avp", "$avp(avp_json)")
> modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 1)
> modparam("registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", "TCP_PERSIST_DURATION")
> loadmodule ""
> modparam("mid_registrar", "attr_avp", "$avp(avp_json)")
> modparam("mid_registrar", "max_contacts", 1)
> modparam("mid_registrar", "mode", 0)
> modparam("mid_registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag",
> and then:
>   if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
>     $json(x) := "{}";
>     python_exec("fn_lookup_account", "$rd|$socket_in(proto)");
>     $avp(avp_json) = $json_compact(x);
>     mid_registrar_save("location");
>     switch ($retcode) {
>       case 1:
>         $du = $json(x/remote_dest);
>         $ru = $json(x/remote_uri);
>         route(relay);
>         break;
>       case 2:
>         xlog("L_INFO", "Absorb REGISTER!\n");
>         break;
>       default:
>         xlog("L_INFO", "Failed to save registration!\n");
>         break;
>     }
>     exit;
>   }
> I do this because I want to store some configuration in the attr column
> that I don't want to retrieve every call.
> However, the mid_registrar example then continues with
> mid_registrar_lookup, and that works fine for calls originating from the
> main registrar going to the uac.
> But when the uac starts a call, how do I validate the uac was previously
> registered?
> I tried with this below, but lookup doesn't work in this scenario.
> if (mid_registrar_lookup("location")) {
>   $json(x) := $avp(avp_json);
>   xlog("L_INFO", "$C(cs)$cfg_file:$cfg_line$C(xx) [$rm] Found
> mid_registrar_lookup from $si:$sp to $ru\n");
> } else if (lookup("location")) {
>   $json(x) := $avp(avp_json);
>   xlog("L_INFO", "$C(cs)$cfg_file:$cfg_line$C(xx) [$rm] Found lookup from
> $si:$sp to $ru\n");
> } else {
>   t_reply(404, "Not Found");
>   exit;
> }
> Thanks
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