Hello All,

I'm a newbie with Opensips! Got good knowledge with Asterisk and SIP in

Trying to figure out how to route calls out on the SIP trunk.

Running following:
"Server": "OpenSIPS (3.3.1 (x86_64/linux))"
OpenSIPS Control Panel 9.3.2
Debian 11

Opensips is configured with residential configuration and I can make the
1) local SIP to SIP calls (registered SIP endpoints).
2) External DID to Opensips to local SIP endpoint.

But failing to call out from the local SIP endpoint to SIP trunk
(external). Every time I make a call I get SIP 420 Bad Extension.

I did follow all the instructions regarding Opensips-CP from (
https://powerpbx.org/content/opensips-v30-debian-v10-mariadb-apache-v1) to
setup SIP trunk, dial plan, dynamic routing and
edit "opensips_residential.cfg" but failing to send the call out.

Any suggestions?

Thanking in advance.

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