I will rephrase my question maybe someone has any ideas If I check memory
usage with pmap for highest using opensips process:
total kB         10774396 4579784 4564420
And this is the same as what top shows, around 4.5G memory usage.
If I use opensips-cli -x mi mem_pkg_dump for the same PID: heap size=
4294967296 used= 48336024, used+overhead=106291088, free=4188676208
And these numbers do not match. If pkg memory for this process is 48M as it
says, what is using 4.5G?
opensips parameters were -m 2G -M 4G

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 12:14 AM M S <medea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I am trying to understand memory reports and find a possible memory leak.
> I have: -a Q_MALLOC_DBG -m 2048 -M 4096 and memdump=1, my system has 32G
> ram, 8 workers.
> When opensips starts I have 25G free memory. after 10days, I have only 12G
> free memory, top showing one of opensips processes using 10% of memory
> (others 8, 6, ...).
> I use:
> opensips-cli -x mi mem_shm_dump
> opensips-cli -x mi mem_pkg_dump PID
> and check log files:
> Feb 14 01:25:25 used= 5908928, used+overhead=7815352, free=2139668296
> Feb 14 01:47:04 used= 33337184, used+overhead=57932536, free=4237034760
> Feb 14 01:51:49 used= 33771424, used+overhead=59342328, free=4235624968
> Feb 14 01:51:52 used= 34237368, used+overhead=60780080, free=4234187216
> Feb 14 01:51:54 used= 37329128, used+overhead=70855648, free=4224111648
> Feb 14 01:51:56 used= 34966280, used+overhead=63143104, free=4231824192
> Feb 14 01:51:59 used= 35916952, used+overhead=66163728, free=4228803568
> Feb 14 01:52:01 used= 41913864, used+overhead=86107616, free=4208859680
> Feb 14 01:52:04 used= 39219120, used+overhead=77303624, free=4217663672
> Feb 14 01:53:32 used= 27932400, used+overhead=41340488, free=4253626808
> Feb 14 01:53:37 used= 27933784, used+overhead=41333520, free=4253633776
> Feb 14 01:53:41 used= 27932272, used+overhead=41344296, free=4253623000
> Feb 14 01:53:48 used= 27939736, used+overhead=41346576, free=4253620720
> Feb 14 01:53:51 used= 27955128, used+overhead=41359952, free=4253607344
> Feb 14 01:53:53 used= 27953736, used+overhead=41364704, free=4253602592
> Feb 14 01:53:56 used= 27950760, used+overhead=41362688, free=4253604608
> Feb 14 01:53:58 used= 27954072, used+overhead=41373008, free=4253594288
> Feb 14 01:54:01 used= 27974952, used+overhead=41400704, free=4253566592
> Feb 14 01:54:03 used= 13399432, used+overhead=13933152, free=4281034144
> The memory usage based on above memory dumps looks normal, but for example
> the process with 41913864 used memory is what top shows to use 10% of all
> memory (3.2G). What am I missing here and is there anywhere else I need to
> check?
> Thank you!
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