That solved! Don't know how I missed it.

Thank you Ben

On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 12:50 PM Ben Newlin <> wrote:

> Daniel,
> I haven’t used the drouting module with partitions, but it looks like when
> you do that the name of the AVP no longer comes from the modparam setting
> but from the dr_partitions table. Do you have the carrier_id_avp value set
> for this partition in that table?
> Ben Newlin
> *From: *Users <> on behalf of Daniel
> Zanutti <>
> *Date: *Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 9:47 PM
> *To: *OpenSIPS users mailling list <>
> *Subject: *[OpenSIPS-Users] Carrier_ID not writing on DRouting when using
> partitions
> * EXTERNAL EMAIL - Please use caution with links and attachments *
> ------------------------------
> Hey
> I'm having a weird issue, possibly a BUG, using opensips 3.2.8.
> The carrier_id_avp is not being written, when I enabled partitions or
> drouting module. Everything else works, just this value is not written to
> the AVP setted. Routing works fine using carriers, just the AVP is not
> written.
> When I disable partitions, it works fine writting to carrier_id_avp. =|
> Configuration:
> modparam("drouting", "carrier_id_avp", "$avp(carrier_id)")
> Example of call
> My dr_rule has gwlist = #651
> Carrier 651
> carrierid=651
> gwlist=651 (yes, same id)
> Applied routing with partition:
> do_routing(2222,"F",,,$avp(gw_attrs),,"partition1")
> Log:
> Feb 22 01:14:51 sbc4 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[856]:
> DBG:drouting:push_gw_for_usage: adding gw [651] as "sip:x...@yy.yy.yy.yy"
> in order 0
> Feb 22 01:14:51 sbc4 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[856]:
> DBG:drouting:push_gw_for_usage: setting GW id [651] as avp
> Feb 22 01:14:51 sbc4 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[856]:
> DBG:drouting:push_gw_for_usage: setting GW attr [1] as avp
> The gateway 651 does exist, it's the same name of Carrier but it shouldn't
> be a problem.
> Checking logs, $avp(carrier_id) is null:
> Carrier:yy.yy.yy.yy(<null>)
> Do you guys have any clues on how to solve it? Maybe a bug?
> This works fine when not using partitions.
> Thanks
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