Hi, James!

The problem seems to have been in OpenSIPS CLI and it was fixed by this[1] commit. Please update opensips cli and test again.

[1] https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips-cli/commit/114ee4d91ab970f59126b1568e2eec4c9abaadd6

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 4/21/23 16:40, James Seer wrote:
After an upgrade to OpenSIPS 3.2.12 , I cant run opensips-cli -x mi using root. It's been working with the previous versions.

Apr 21 14:02:51 test-opensips/usr/sbin/opensips[705536]: ERROR:mi_fifo:mi_open_reply_pipe: open error (/tmp/opensips_fifo_reply_705551_1682078571_0451558): Permission denied Apr 21 14:02:51 test-opensips  /usr/sbin/opensips[705536]: NOTICE:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_callback: cannot open reply pipe /tmp/opensips_fifo_reply_705551_1682078571_0451558

changing reply folder from tmp to another non sticky bit one , with full rights (for test purposes) does not change anything :

root@test-opensips:~# ls -dl /var/run/fiforeply/
drwsrwsrwt 2 opensips opensips 60 Apr 21 14:11 /var/run/fiforeply/

Apr 21 14:11:11 test-opensips /usr/sbin/opensips[705725]: ERROR:mi_fifo:mi_open_reply_pipe: open error (/var/run/fiforeply/opensips_fifo_reply_705741_1682079071_2581842): Permission denied Apr 21 14:11:11 test-opensips /usr/sbin/opensips[705725]: NOTICE:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_callback: cannot open reply pipe /var/run/fiforeply/opensips_fifo_reply_705741_1682079071_2581842

Opensips-cli version is the same before and after the upgrade : OpenSIPS CLI 0.2.0

As a current workaround i'm running it through opensips user :
runuser -u opensips -- opensips-cli -x mi uptime


opensips-cli config :

log_level: WARNING
prompt_name: opensips-cli
prompt_intro: Welcome to OpenSIPS Command Line Interface!
prompt_emptyline_repeat_cmd: False
history_file: ~/.opensips-cli.history
history_file_size: 1000
output_type: pretty-print
communication_type: fifo
fifo_file: /var/run/opensips/opensips_fifo

Opensips config file  :

#### FIFO Management Interface
loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/var/run/opensips/opensips_fifo")
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0666)

root@test-opensips:~# ps aux |grep opensips
opensips  705724  0.0  0.6 541560 13984 ?        S    14:11   0:00 /usr/sbin/opensips -P /run/opensips/opensips.pid -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -m 500 -M 8 opensips  705725  0.0  0.3 542060  6780 ?        S    14:11   0:00 /usr/sbin/opensips -P /run/opensips/opensips.pid -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -m 500 -M 8

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