
if you have a pcap showing the inbound and outbound traffic on OpenSIPS, I can do a quick doublecheck - of course, please send it off list.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 11/9/23 4:32 PM, Social Boh wrote:
Thank you Alex

I'll search to see where the problem may be

I'm SoCIaL, MayBe

El 9/11/2023 a las 9:17 a. m., Alex Balashov escribió:

1) Neither Kamailio nor OpenSIPS send 200 OKs;

2) Neither Kamailio nor OPenSIPS send ACKs.

They merely relay these.

3) Contact URI alterations may be occurring along the chain, and are likely causing your issue.

-- Alex

On 9 Nov 2023, at 09:12, Social Boh <soc...@bohboh.info> wrote:

Hello list,
I have a problem in communication between an OpenSIPs and a Kamailio. The call comes from OpenSIPs to Kamailio, it is answered but the ACK that OpenSIPs sends to Kamailio I think is not correct:
200OK from Kamailio to OpenSIPs: Contact: <sip:194.195.XXX.XXX:49999>
ACK from OpenSIPs to Kamailio: Contact: <sip:u...@177.242.xxx.xxx;did=86a.799c1654> I think the ACK Contact Header from OpenSIPs to Kamailio should have the same 200 OK content
194.195.XXX.XXX is a Asterisk PBX
177.242.XXX.XXX is OpenSIPs
Result Kamailio don't send ACK to Asterisk PBX and the call ends about 30 seconds.
Any hint, please?
I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
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