Dear Eugenio, Dear all:

> Dear brazilian coleague, I didn't find anythig wrong with your  
> input. So, I succeded and it is still    > running (is now in the  
> first iteration..). Anything wasnt changed... Best regards! Abra?o!  
> Egn

Motivated by your message, I re-run the calculation, but now using  
just ONE processor (before, I runned the calculation in four  
processors, using MPI). Now the program works!

Thus, I have two questions:

(i) Is it possible to be a version problem? I'm using the 4.3.2  
version of the Quantum Espresso.

(ii) I can be a compilation problem? In this case I supply other  
information: I runned other calculations for other supercell  
dimensions and using MPI (4 processors) and the calculations were fine!

Best regards to all,


Adriano de Souza Martins
Professor Adjunto III
Departamento de F?sica - ICEx
Polo Universit?rio de Volta Redonda
Universidade Federal Fluminense

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