On Jul 2, 2012, at 1:24 PM, ???????? wrote:

> Hi! All
> I'm trying to calculate the quantum conductance of quasi one dimension 
> structure with Wannier90 and PWscf.
> But the one dimension band structure of suppercell is weird: bands with high 
> energy seem very "crowded".
> I meet this problem when calculating Al nanowire and graphene nanoribbon. It 
> seems a computation error as
> energy seems to be limitted in a small range.
> I have raised the value of cutoff and distance between nanoribbons in 
> directions perpendicular to transport,
> but results changed little.
> My friend plots the bands of graphene nanoribbon with fplo, which can be a 
> reference I think.
> The input files and bands are in attachment.
> Thank you very much!
> <nscf.in><scf.in><bands.jpg><bands_fplo.jpg>_______________________________________________

It seems that your band structure is correct. If you want to look at higher 
energy bands, due to the presence of 
these "free-electron-like" states, you must increase nbnd.

The Wannier90 procedure might be useful to single out bands with a specific 
atomic character
(e.g. those deriving from the pz orbitals of C atoms). See, as an example, Fig. 
2 of Nano Lett., 2009, 9 (10), pp 3425?C3429.


**** PLEASE NOTICE THE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: giovanni.cantele at spin.cnr.it

Giovanni Cantele, PhD
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