On Thu, December 13, 2007 15:06, xu yuehua wrote:
> thank you for your detailed analysis.  your guess is right .my outdir is
> set
> to a place,not local to the nodes.i know the reason of my slow
> job,although
> i did not know it through.
> as for how to use a local directory as outdir ,it seems another new thing
> for me.
> would it be possible to tell me about that ?
> thank you in advance

You let's assume you can write in the /tmp directory on all the nodes
(usually you can) you can use a subdirectory of /tmp as outdir, let's say

Just set outdir='/tmp/xy-job' in the control namelist. The directory has
to exist on every node.

It is boring to create them by hand you can use ssh with (password-less)
pubkey and some bash cycle, or you can use expect.. you could also try to
use mpirun in some creative way, like
  mpirun -np 8 mkdir -p /tmp/xy-job
but I wouldn't bet on this to work.

I hope this helps
Lorenzo Paulatto
+39 040 3787 511

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