Dear, PW users

I'm trying to calculate the phonon dispersion for graphene on IBM AIX v6.1
(serial) with ESSL,
I compiled the espresso package using './configure' and there was no problem
when compiling.
But the run stops when performing 'q2r.x' which gives a runtime error

DCFT3 : 2538-2030
The transform length (ARG NO. 9) is not an allowed value. The next higher
allowed value is (2).

DCFT3 : 2538-2099
End of input argument error reporting. For more information, refer to
Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library Guide and Reference

DCFT3 : 2538-2604
Execution terminating due to error count for error number 2099.

DCFT3 : 2538-2605
Message summary:      2030     - 1

DCFT3 : 2538-2605
Message summary:      2099     - 1

So I copied all the output files from 'pw.x' and 'ph.x' to other Linux
machine (ifort with MKL) and run the 'q2r.x' with the same input file.
Then it was ok. Calculated phonon dispersion for the graphene looked as I
There was no negative frequencies as expected from 'acoustic sum rule'.

However, there is another problem when I run the whole calculation (pw.x,
ph.x and q2r.x) on the Linux machine.
The input files below ran ok. But I get negative frequency for one of the
acoustic mode near Gamma.

Let me summarize, 

(1) I get 'DCFT3' error on AIX (XL-fortran with ESSL) when I run 'q2r.x'.
(2) No run time errors on Linux (ifort with MKL) but negative frequency.

Please share your experiences and give me advices.
Thank you.

Input files :


cat > $INPUT << EOF
  calculation     = 'scf',
  restart_mode    = 'from_scratch',
  prefix          = '$NAME',
  pseudo_dir      = '$PSEUDO_DIR/',
  outdir          = '$OUT_DIR/',
  wf_collect      = .TRUE.
  tstress         = .TRUE.
  tprnfor         = .TRUE.
  etot_conv_thr   = 1.d-5
  forc_conv_thr   = 1.d-4
  ibrav           = 0,
  celldm(1)       = 2.687
  nat             = 2,
  ntyp            = 1,
  ecutwfc         = 45.0,
  ecutrho         = 450.0,
  occupations     = 'smearing',
  smearing        = 'mp',
  degauss         = 0.03,
  diagonalization = 'cg',
  mixing_mode     = 'plain',
  mixing_beta     = 0.7,
  conv_thr        = 1.0d-8,
C  12.0107 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
   0.86602500 1.50000000 0.00000000
  -0.86602500 1.50000000 0.00000000
   0.00000000 0.00000000 8.66602500
C        0.000000000   1.000000000   0.000000000
C        0.000000000   2.000000000   0.000000000
K_POINTS automatic
16 16 1 0 0 0 

========================= > pw.x

cat > $INPUT << EOF
Phonons of graphene
  tr2_ph    = 1.d-14,
  prefix    = '$NAME',
  outdir    = '$OUT_DIR/',
  fildyn    = '$NAME.dyn',
  ldisp     = .true.,
  nq1       = 8,
  nq2       = 8,
  nq3       = 1, 
  amass(1)  = 12.0107,

========================= > ph.x

cat > $INPUT << EOF
   fildyn  = '$NAME.dyn'
   flfrc   = '$NAME.881.fc'
   zasr    = 'simple'

========================= > q2r.x

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Rd. RL10
Richardson, TX 75080

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