?Dear PWScf Users,

I did the band structure of? BN (zinc blende) with two atoms and I found a 
indirect gap? (like literature) Gamma-X. But when I did it with 8 atoms I found 
direct gap Gamma -Gamma.
Normally if we change (nat = 2, ibrav = 2) to (nat = 8, ibrav = 1),we find the 
same nature of gap.
If such we have the composition B0.25Ga0.75N how we can determine the nature of 

?Why such a problem occurs?

?My input files is as following:

? *With TWO ATOMS:

?cat > bn.band.in << EOF
? &control
? ?  calculation='bands'
? ?  pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR/',
? ?  outdir='$TMP_DIR/',
? ?  prefix='bn'
? /
? &system
? ?  ibrav=? 2, celldm(1) = 6.76, nat=? 2, ntyp= 2,
? ?  ecutwfc = 60.0,
? ?  occupations ='smearing',
? ?  smearing = 'methfessel-paxton',
? ?  degauss= 0.03,
? /
? &electrons
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? conv_thr = 1.0d-7 ,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? mixing_beta = 0.2 ,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? diagonalization = 'david' ,
? /
? B? 10.811? B.pz-vbc.UPF
? N? 14.007? N.pz-vbc.UPF
?  B 0.00 0.00 0.00
?  N 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS {crystal_b}
0.5? 0.5? 0.5? 400
0? ? 0? ? 0? ? 400
1.0? 0? ? 0? ? 400
0.75 0.75 0? ? 400
0? ? 0? ? 0? ? 400
$ECHO "? running the band-structure calculation for bn...\c"
$PW_COMMAND < bn.band.in > bn.band.out
check_failure $?
$ECHO " done"

*and WITH 8 ATOMS:

?cat > bn.band.in << EOF
? &control
? ?  calculation='bands'
? ?  pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR/',
? ?  outdir='$TMP_DIR/',
? ?  prefix='bn'
? /
? ?  ibrav= 1, celldm(1) = 6.82, nat=8, ntyp= 2,
? ?  ecutwfc = 40.0, nbnd = 40,
? ?  occupations ='smearing',
? ?  smearing = 'methfessel-paxton',
? ?  degauss= 0.02,
? /
? &electrons
?  conv_thr =? 1.0d-7,
? ?  mixing_beta = 0.2,
? /

? B? 10.811? B.pz-vbc.UPF
? N? 14.007? N.pz-vbc.UPF
? B? ? ? 0.000? ?  0.000? ?  0.000
? N? ? ? 0.250? ?  0.250? ?  0.250
? B? ? ? 0.000? ?  0.500? ?  0.500
? N? ? ? 0.250? ?  0.750? ?  0.750
? B? ? ? 0.500? ?  0.500? ?  0.000
? N? ? ? 0.750? ?  0.250? ?  0.750
? B? ? ? 0.500? ?  0.000? ?  0.500
? N? ? ? 0.750? ?  0.750? ?  0.250

?K_POINTS {crystal_b}
?0? ? 0? ? 0? ? 40
?0.5? 0? ? 0? ? 40
?0.5? 0.5? 0? ? 40
?0? ? 0? ? 0? ? 40
?$ECHO "? running the band-structure calculation for bn...\c"
?$PW_COMMAND < bn.band.in > bn.band.out
?check_failure $?
?$ECHO " done"

?Any help would be appreciated.
?Best regards,
?Said Asma


Said Asma

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