Dear G. Giovannetti:
     The small numerical difference between the two methods by you is 
reasonable and allowable because:
(1) The Lowdin population analysis is used in PWSCF;
(2) There may be some effect from the hybridization of orbitals. (Partial DOS 
maybe helpful.)

In my opinion, the difference is so small that it can be deemed that the 
magnetic moment is localized at the Fe site (as you think). 

Best Wishes

Yours Sincerely
L. F. Huang

L.F.Huang(???) DFT and phonon physics
Add: Research Laboratory for Computational Materials Sciences,
Instutue of Solid State Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O.Box 1129, Hefei 230031, P.R.China
Tel: 86-551-5591464-328(office)
Fax: 86-551-5591434
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